You haven't won shit...

You haven't won shit. Women are going to walk out en masse and grind America to a halt if this catastrophic decision isn't undone

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Women who don't like are just gonna bend over and take it like they always have

Seethe more creature

women won't do shit

Walk out of where? The kitchen?

Exactly. These cunts won't do shit except bitch on twitter

Ok so

It's gonna be funny when they realize pussy isn't really that important.

oh no what will the nations human resource departments and bosses who won't make their own coffee do!

The HR office

>women leave america
>a solution must be found by men
>men find solution
>other countries now left behind in the dust to suffer women and their whimsy while America enters a whole new era of chaddery with their highly desired bioengineered female fuckpets

>thousands of companies start operating efficiently for the first time in 50 years

Then I will hire new workers.

The jobs women do are makework bullshit and we do not need them.

This. We hate women. Proud to be part of this community, white brothers.
Keep redpilling.
And just a friendly reminder to Praise Lord Kek.
Deus. Fucking. Vult.

Not all women support baby murder sorry


>unanswered emails and unplanned parties rotting in the fields

Sluts in blue shitholes will still be able to murder their babies at 9:00 Monday morning. They really need to shut their fucking holes.

>no HR departments
oh nooooooo

Go to busy highway and swan dive

Joking aside if women stopped going to work the majority of sit down meetings would stop happening and so much more would get done

Oh my gosh, thousands of missing HR employees. How ever will we survive?

>Women walking off jobs for the abortions they think they need to maintain a career
Okay. Sure.

Oh no! Not the HR department!

Women losing rights AND fucking off from the workplace? Maybe there is hope for the USA.

A lot of stoves won't be turned on tonight.

Oh no all the HR departments will collapse, could this one event fix alot of americas problems?

Please Christ let them walk out. Maybe you guys will actually be able to get some shit done.

>Women go on strike
>Men land on mars and begin mining asteroids 14 days later

Breaking News: Men can turn the air conditioner on in the office without women bitching about being cold - boosting work efficiency by 9001%

You won't do shit.

It is and it isn't. Right now trying to make babies, it might be the most important thing in the universe. For casually fucking and getting cool guy points? Yeah its not that amazing, still better than being a faggot going for buttholes, but overrated.

>Women all walkout
>Productivity within all industries skyrockets

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>hr department doesn’t show up
oh, no

life saved, evil-doers seething

>women are designated as the birth givers and instinctively return to the kitchen en masse.
I'm failing to see how this is a bad thing, let alone a catastrophe.

While you’re out, make me a fucking sammitch and wash my jeans. It’s good having you home again.

Jon openings? Sounds good

LOL retards still think ALL women support abortion.

this is an absolute win for all.
Women go back home and men salvage the business

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Vagina's are of no consequence to me

This will be fun to watch

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>Women are going to walk out en masse and grind America to a halt if this catastrophic decision isn't undone
don't threaten me with a good time

>all women walk out of the workplace
>productivity barely changes, actually increases in certain sectors

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I hope this either deters migration from blue states to red states or even forces some libs out of the red states so we don't end up like Texas.

neet leaf fag

Good the more white guys are left to our own devise, the better off we ar

And those who don’t know it will learn the hard way


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Where are they gonna go?
>leave the man who pays the bills
>back to mom and dads

things aren't looking too good for slutbuckets user

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>women walk out
>productivity increases 10fold
>recession averted
>diamond age begins

Hopefully a walkout into traffic