End of discussion

Your kikery has no power here. Our people were being destroyed in the womb. Never again.

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>white babies with low iq born into poverty to a possibly sociopathic mother and usually no father
So I'm the only one who wants quality over quantity huh?
>muh soul, genetics don't exist
truly, christians and leftists agree on the root retarded idea that affects us


White babies don’t get aborted that often

a white born in the ghetto has more potential than a nigger born into upper middle class.

Abort all kikes and niggers

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do you mean that on average niggers are more likely to abort than a white female, well you are right but that still isnt justified. Everbody deserves a chance on earth, atleast the poor white child may try to survive and be succesful. Nigger baby may sucide or go to drugs anyways. If white dude kills himself atmost he is just delaying what was gonna happen to him anyway. AND THIS BILL CLEARLY STATES WHITE CHRISTIAN VALUES ARE ABOVE LEFTY ROASTIE FEMOIDS OPINION. so in clear words, i say support it.

>a white born in the ghetto has more potential
correct and completely irrelevant to my argument.

and he has higher chance to be a right wing aryan neo nazi too. so it will only help your kind. people who are miserable are easy to radicalize. most of Any Forums tards are like that

The vast majority of abortions were performed on niggers though

good luck with those child support payments

What the fuck is even up with the shills going on about
>muh niggerino babies!
Lmao niggers aren't the demographic replaces us and Shaniqua is going to either die in childbirth or toss her baby in a dumpster now. Niggers still kill niggers more than anything else and they haven't been skyrocketing in population while whites have aborted more babies than there are even niggers now.

You either apply the calculus of war or you lose, and you've chosen to lose.

prove it

>white babies with low iq born into poverty to a possibly sociopathic mother and usually no father
Are still a thousand times better than nigger kids with both parents.

>"your just wrong. Aborting Whites it's hecking based. It just is."

>right wing

There was something like 370,000 Black abortions last year. You're fucking nuts if you think that many is still gonna happen.
Why bother? You'll all a bunch of moral relativists none of which actually cares about facts.
War is war. You kill thousands so tens of thousands die. You're all just moral cowards.

>has no evidence

And how does that 370,000 affect me when most are going to end up in dumpsters or shooting each other by 13? I don't live in a city and don't care if they become more nigger infested.

Literally posted evidence, 37-second-reply schizo. You retards also say shit like
>Well, the many states with high black population will ban it regardless
...completely leaving out all of those states that won't ban it will be the ones in the Northeast part of the country, you know, the Whitest part of the country. Non-Whites with the exception of Asians all having a higher fertility rant than Whites.
>If I put my head in the sand, there's no problem!

>no evidence nigger
>muh reply speed

You're a complete retard if you think niggers having more kids are the problem and not the fact that whites have barely any and import in millions upon millions of beaners who didn't have abortions anyways. Also move out of your city you retarded faggot shill.

Also, you're Canadian, you're fucking Chinese, why do you care?
Of course immigration is the bigger problem, you nigger. Don't talk immigration to me, nigger. I am the only one I ever see bring up that roughly three million illegals have come into this country since Biden took over, and I live in one of the most remote places in Alaska, you stupid nigger. We don't have cities out here. Even Anchorage is the size of a small town in composition.