At what point should abortions be allowed?

>Rape victim
>Baby in belly is retarded or has deformities

This should be the only options for allowing abortions, thoughts Any Forums?

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Oh, and I forgot to add
>What race is it?

it should be allowed in all circumstances and they should give you a face tattoo of a circus clown every time you get one

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i'll swap you for death penalties for divorce and pregnancy out of wedlock.

>mean IQ of parents mean IQ of parents >115
abortion forbidden

never is best

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If the pregnacy would threaten the life or long term physicsl health of the mother. Especially if the kid won't live anyway

I mean...

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>Mother will likely die
>Gay retard baby

Only niggers and shitskins should be allowed abortion.

>>Rape victim
We should execute rapists not children
>>Baby in belly is retarded or has deformities
A child being difficult to take care of is not a reason to kill him or her
>>What race is it?

By the mercy of Christ, many children will be saved from death.

>Rape victim
just give it away to an orphanage
>Baby in belly is retarded or has deformities
just give it away to an institute
>baby is a nigger
deport it back to africa


None. If you fuck, you have that baby. Babies are a punishment.

As soon as you can determine skin colour.

When the female body naturally aborts the baby. many such cases

Yeah I so rather be in an orphanage where I have nothing but myself instead of never being born, im not pro abortion but that argument is just retarded

i agree with this allow abortions but they need to get a notch to identify they are baby killers, also assisted suicide should be legal too.

You want to cull retards?

That's some cold shit man.

You should need a permit to even have a child. Abortions should be unnecessary under most circumstances.

Murder is NEVER ok.

Jesus wins again.

None of us are actually racist. We are just normal people and normal people have racial prefrence, want functioning society, and promote life, liberty, and JESUS.

Thank you for your Sacred Heart Jesus.
Let's party.

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Sorry but it's not getting deported to Africa, it will be part of the vanguard invading Canada

By your argument, shouldn't we just kill the poor? If they would be better off dead?

First 6 weeks only. No nervous system, no human. If you don't report rape and get an abortion in 6 weeks or less, then you wanted it. Sorry not sorry.

when it's white

abortion really is killing and nothing more. killing should never be allowed. the moment of conception is when the being exists and cannot be killed

>We should execute rapists not children
If you believe women, why don't you believe them when they say that abortion is more important than air?

This, why faggots shill this retarded argument, muh rape, muh woman in danger, fucking simps

literally never


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we rightfully allow looking for self defense so an could be made for abortion in these types of cases. it isn't something to celebrate but neither is shooting a home invader it's just what needs to be done.

>If you believe women
They would actually have to prove it was rape. Not they just claim it was

When child support becomes a voluntary opt in system. Equal rights to choose lol