Roe v. Wade salt thread

Let's get that salt flowing

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Seen on Instagram

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>miranda rights are being stripped away
What are they referring to?

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Cool, another redit screencap thread!

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Bitches why aren't you celebrating your 2020 fraud victory anymore? Can't afford to after inflation took that from you too? Seeing them miserable after being cunts is so well earned karma!

Count Dankula is going around Twitter pretending to be a Supreme Court Justice and libs are believing it.

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>/nein/ chan dot com is back
Pedo doxxes back on the menu bois

>/nein/ chan dot com is back
Pedo doxxes back on the menu bois

>/nein/ chan dot com is back
Pedo doxxes back on the menu bois

>/nein/ chan dot com is back
Pedo doxxes back on the menu bois

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Oh no, bonerbros!

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He's right ya know.

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Bullshit. Pretty sure it's some ruling about whether coos are required to read you your Miranda rights, it isn't like you don't have them if they aren't spelled out for you after a cop pulls you into his car for robbing a liquor store.

Biden is mad as well

>(I'm white)
Missing a couple of extra parentheses there.

how come the opinion that involves killing is from the left


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where is the sam hyde one

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I'm actually surprised. I didnt think this would happen. Congrats, mutts! Civil war next?

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Funny how they always go reeeee incel

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>that’s such a white privilege thing (I’m white)
They missed a couple parentheses

Ah. Surprised liberals are worried about that. All minorities are taught those rights by their parents. That'll only affect white middle/upper class.

A good majority of crimes do not require miranda rights either. Domestic violence for instance.

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Could you imagine?
>we women are going to stop being sluts and fucking everything that moves now
>take THAT western civilization!

See how they devour one another. Amazing

There aren’t two sides. There are two neoliberal parties.

Heres some fresh ones

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It really is

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lord no, flacidfam!

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I love nigger and spic babies this is great

I am literally shaking as i enter the tub:(

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because when they DO disagree with you you call them house niggers , etc lol
redditards are really fucking clueless

If they were capable of keeping their legs closed they wouldn’t need abortions in the first place

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>checks wildly

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>after he went full trans

And we're the crazy ones?

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>If your enemy kills xerself, you win

>Trans man
>has vaginal sex with men
Wtf why

Satan worshipping child molesting baby murdering pedophiles btfo. Christ is King and will win in the end no matter what.


I won't be happy until I can stop by Bass Pro and buy a MANPADS and a full auto M249.

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Move to California

>threatening to %41

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Someone should start a service where you manage people's lives after they kill themselves. If they know their cats have good homes, maybe leftists will just kill themselves and stop subjecting us to their death cult.


What the fuck is it with these retards and Trumps? The media really did a number on them, eh?

This is peak. Thanks to all the reddit lurkers. I can't stand that shit hole

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What a cocksucking faggot

>what’s that chud? did the idea of mutilating young boys make you uncomfortable??

>Forced sterilization is the same as conceiving a child naturally

>I shouldn't have been allowed to vote
>I was retarded in 2016
I wonder how many men she accused of "rape"
Greetings from Kazakhstan

Apparently abortion was the only right women had in America.

Lmfao. I love it.

this is all so fucking tiresome

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What's amazing is how these women don't understand how their life is going to play out. Graduate with a master's degree in Biochem at 25 or 26, spend 10 years building a career and breaking that glass ceiling. Try to find a man at 36, try to have a kid at 38, fail, drink wine and raise cats until 60s or just suicide at 40.
Her best chance to have that daughter she dreams about is to be raped and forced to carry it to term, otherwise she's going to keep on with the modern delusion that 35 is still too young to have kids.


>Stop abortion at the source

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No thanks, but I fully support that in africa

>Sex is part of the human experience
>Incels don’t deserve sex

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Trannies make everything about themselves, maybe they really are women


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I'm pretty sure that controlling a single slow egg is easier than controlling millions of microscopic wriggly and random sperms.

Who would win in a hypothetical war between men and women?

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Me sitting on the sidelines with my entire family

People beyond saving.

>women self-impose exile from the workplace

based zion don

basically, if a cop doesn't give you the line "anything you say and do can be used against you in a court of law" they can still use things you said and did against you in court, even though they didn't "tell you" that they could.

Based, my brother. Christ is King.

>a Constitutional right from the American people that it had already recognized
Okay, retard. You've been in Congress for 50 fucking years. When did you push to amend abortion onto the Bill Of Rights? When did any of your peers? Name one. Name a single Democrat who pushed for that in the 50 fucking years since Roe.

Millions of middle aged women screaming in horror at that sign.


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Every loli poster just roped themselves.

kek, wait.. So she broke up with her "boyfriend" because he went full trans, as in he went full "she" which means he couldn't get her pregnant anymore and then claims relationships with men are unsafe because she could get pregnant... hmm

literal non-humans

Next up after revoking gay marriage is cleaning up the gene pool and exterminating anti-White NPC redditors

Women because men will defect for a crumb of pussy

Hello! These are actually all effeminate men who let their girlfriends turn them into lefties. Then they got dumped but are still lefties because they're thirsty for pussy
Yeah they are really taken in by what their television tells them

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Im not bothered by the whole vasectomy talking point. mainly cause 99% of the morons that do get a vasectomy following this will be commies/shitlibs.
If anything this is a golden opportunity, seriously what other time in history were you able to nudge your political opposition into mass sterilization VIA appealing to their retarded ass ideology?

That's genius, you get all their shit and then drop their cat off at a kill shelter.