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They had it planned because they had time to plan it, because they had a rat in the supreme court.


>shabbos goy shabboses harder

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Please let all the liberal faggots move to california.
Then wall it off.


Am I terrorist? I don't want to be I pay taxes.

>jews branch off and take a coast to spite those who won't allow them to feed on dead babies

Im ok with this suggestion.

washington is such a beautiful state, it's fucking tragic that these animals took control of it. same is true of oregon and california. literal paradise filled with orcs.

They were planning this if Trump won the election. The groundwork was there, they've just been waiting for an excuse to expose it. We already knew about this plot.

It’s time we showed you what us lefties are capable of
You won’t like us when we get angry

>madated birth
Holy shit, I hate this people so much





So, they want to "fight like hell" to fight against abortion banning, does that mean its heavenly to fight against those who fight like that? Will I attain eternal salvation if I fight against the demons and devils who rise up from the depths of the forgotten hellholes to campaign for murder of innocent children?

Call up the crusade, Benedict.

Yeah I just don’t understand how it got ruined so hArd. Oregon is probably the most beautiful American state and entirely ran by leftists… shame

If the West Coast secedes before the South I will probably seethe, but also be really happy they are gone

Shut up you chink shill. Ching chong ching chong.

Keep your flat faces pointed in a different direction.

Meh, save for someone who will argue with you. Im just enjoying the salt. I win either way.

>2022 battle of los angeles is real

>hexagon goggles

Are they making threats to the constitutional republic? Did they make an oath of office?

>your state banned abortions?
>come to our state to make an abortion!

Where is the issue? Why everyone is celebrating and seething at the same time? The only thing I can see it changes that abortions in some cases will be more inconvenient.

>Not allowing women to kill their children is an affront to American freedom

It's really funny.

How did it get this bad. It's been blue for a while but they kept it a great state until 2004, and it got worse severely after gay Inslee took office. Third fucking term with this retarded airhead boomer

But there's no ban

I can literally tell she is a communist by her appearance and choice in eyewear.

>we will go turbo kike
We know.

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Oregonfag here. There are still plenty of good ol boys around here which I'm sure these libshits will eventually find out for themselves. The west coast and especially the PNW are some of the most beautiful places on earth.

Nothing will happen, except a fag "riot" in portland.
Also reminder that the US federal government is illegitimate and has no authority to meet, draw pay, or work without real elections.

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California should secede, so tired of the retards from Wyoming and Dakota running the Senate, its taxation without representation when it takes 4 votes from California to match 1 vote from Wyoming or Alaska

Oh no! I hope New York City doesn't do the same thing! That would be awful for our country.

>is it freedom to kill unborn children
America can't collapse soon enough.

Please do dumb shit so we can kill you under the guise of maintaining the union.

Kek. Do it, faggot. NorCal alone will fuck you leftards up with ease.

>You won’t like us when we get angry
Always some pop culture reference with you faggots.
Oh no, you're going to suicide, that'll show us.

they have a simp army

"Attack on American freedom" while these same treasonous fucks tried to ruin anyone's life that didn't get an ineffective and harmful experimental injection and forced numerous small businesses to go bankrupt. The doublethink virus is taking over everyone's minds. Now prepare your anus for whites being outbred in red states and US being balkanized, "Great Reset" going perfectly as planned you goy retards.


>Quoting capeshit

Ahahahahahaha, you won't do shit


thank you for the sensible chuckle

gayfag newcum is going to assault the supreme court? sounds like insurrection to me.

fucking leftcoast faggots deserve to be nuked

Axis of Faggotry

Why did Oregon elect the costume maker from Incredibles? Goofy ass moofas....

The south have started the second war of rights.

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kate brown is a gigantic cunt

all the women and faggots should storm the capitol and have their own insurrection

WTF, an insurrection just flew over my house!

I fucking hate kate brown so much bros. We've had rigged mail-in elections for decades.

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That's even worse, then. The mere thought of letting other people decide is equal to banning. If there is no ban, the Overton Window has shifted so hard that it's akin to the jew saying you can't exsanguinate the children they capture while they're alive, and that's literally anudda hall of cost.

Never been to Oregon, but that lady looks like the most horrible type of lefty. Stop sign eyeglasses?

How is this not an insurrection?
An illegal alliance designed to fight the Supreme Court and force it to redefine the laws... and it's ok because...?

I'm up here in the mountains for a few days and I can't believe the shit that goes down in this shithole state

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Send us some fema coffins. We ain't giving them the good ones

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>balkanization begins

Absolutely based

>mandated birth
These people are legit demonic entities

"Just start your own coathanger company"
hoes mad

Good. The American way is to band together for liberty against tyranny.

If fascist institutions want to restrict bodily autonomy it is the duty of free men to resist. Goodbye dumbfuckistan. America will be waiting when you are done with your edgy stage of Christian Nationalism. Come to the West Coat, we have great beer and hiking! Plus expanded rights, ya know, like the founders intended?

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She's a demon in a poorly-fitted flesh suit.

it's over...

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>we're gonna drown you in soimilk

east side of cascades is 9% of population despite 2/3 of landmass
70% live in Willamette valley (Salem, Eugene, Portland)
this is why there is greater idaho (e oregon), jefferson state (s oregon, n california), and timber unity movement.
state lines were drawn before culture boundaries were formed.

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by tomorrow i hope to see states seceding, goodnight Any Forums

I've seen leftoids angry, it's mostly just niggers looting unrelated businesses



>mandated birth

Left wing areas should take in all leftists and POC's from right wing areas to save them from the scary "White supremacy" and sexism and homophobia.

All left wing areas will become lgbtq+, feminist and blm utopia's and right wing areas will be bigoted like the 1950's.

It took nearly 50 years of dedication to a goal to get to this point.
The left has the attention span of a goldfish. They hop from outrage to outrage like flies hoping from turd to turd.
They lack the dedication and belief in their cause. By the middle of next week they will be upset about something else. They are weak people and not to be taken seriously.

Oregon elections are rigged.

We dont like you regardless

I live in WA, and most of the people around me support an abortion ban.
I think these faggots think their cities represent the whole state. They don't.

>You won’t like us when we get angry

I mean, Oregon literally banned blacks at one point right?

Why would they do this? What happened to the deadly fake virus everyone said could not ever be fake despite the lack of proof for it's existence? I thought there were piles and piles of bodies in the streets? Even Any Forums went along with it to be trendy. Now that vagina is at stake the deadly mass death causing virus somehow disappears? Does the smell of unwashed pussy kill the virus? And where is that cunts mask? Doesn't she know the other way to beat the cartoon virus is via self-suffocation like a good patriotard?

Not one of the west coast governments was really elected.
OR has had mail in voting only for decades. not one American has been elected since. Only red communists and kikes. a few token good guys in the country but not enough to effect anything.

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Lmao I'm not a GIRL also you will never be a woman

Glasses cunt has classic rat/mole person physiognomy. Not surprised.

>voldemort calling for war
bros, this time it's unironically like muh movies

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The left in oregon only really control the cities. Everyone outside of Eugene, portland and salem are blood red americans. I expect portland to burn pretty badly tonight.

the northwest coast will secede but not for international Jewry

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Can she even read a road map?

i know nevada leftists are throwing a hissy fit today. i might try to look up some "protests" and see what vegas fags look like

Oregon was the very last place in the USA where it was illegal to be black.

I guess californians will stop moving to texas now?

>Soiboys and roasties with no military experience try insurrection

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beautiful, this is the catalyst for the formation of Greater Idaho

It's all about money
Every major corp in US will now offer 'abortion benefits' where you get an all inclusive trip to those 3 states to have your baby aborted and all it's organs harvested. The CEOs will get a cut of the organ harvesting

Jews furiously rubbing hands together salivating over the huge profits they will make with abortion tourism


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I don't like you now.

PNW bros, I don’t feel so good.

How can you suggest that whites have a chance in Washington and Oregon?

Lasses can inquire, I can assist is meeting the federal birthing requirement.

>Libs, nigs, and beaners flee to the west coast so they can murder babies
>San Andreas splits and the entire west coast sinks into the ocean
>Arizona, Nevada, and Idaho get lovely new beaches
>the hand of God himself comes down from the heavens to high five the rest of us
>"You set em up, I'll knock em down"
>"Thank you Lord, thank you! Who is next?"
>"Finland is next"

Praise his holy name

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We can only fucking hope they all move back now.

Sort of. Oregon's stance during the civil war was "Slavery is bad, but black people are even worse". Somehow they never really got flack for that stance because no one reads past the first part of the statement.

Welp looks like the United States is about to be broken up into the based pro-life union and onions degenerate pro-murder fisting union or descend into civil war.Either way popcorn.mp4

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What kind of offensive? If we are talking a military, blitzkrieg style offensive, unfathomably based! Something right wing states have been too pussy to do for decades now lol

kek, mu is a toilet

I see what you did there. I wonder when everyone will realize overturning Roe is a setup for allowing states to mandate forced vaccination.

Good luck surviving without Pacific Coast ports you fucking idiot. You'll have to deal with us or work with Mexican cartels. Good luck.

>supreme court has stripped women of their liberty
I wish

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It was only ever the rural californians that moved. Joe Rogan doesn't count because he came from rural colorado back to LA for show biz purposes.

california is extremely conservative the further you get from the coast. As you approach Nevada and Arizona it's totally red. Same with traveling to Oregon in the middle of the state, not on the coastal highways.

What the fuck is this thing? What the fuck is up with those Harry Potter glasses?

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You're literally not capable of anything but talking, typing, screeching, or being literally wrong about everything

I support this. All the West Coast transplants should immediately pack up and rejoin their home states to add to the Alliance's numbers.
I will help subsidize fuel costs for 10 families to leave Texas and Go West Young It.

Don't speak for all of us, liberal fagtard.

Well, if the west coast refuses to extradite individuals for breaking the law by transporting red state women across state lines for purposes of abortion, I guess it's probably best to end extradition from red states to blue states for anything at all. Escalate.

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i'm curious what would happen if vegas gets a pacific beach. would there be hurricanes?

I can only hope

>time to fight like hell
At least nowadays they finally admit they are demons.

She looks like a hunger games villain.

Knowing the left in Oregon it's going to be mandatory sex ex at kindergarden, mandatory abortions given to out of staters, free tampons, and something about how white men are evil so there has to be an extra tax.

They're deliberately attempting to drive people insane with the intense overload of conflicting realities
If you feel crazy that means it's working
Just say no to psyops anons

I make the money I get a bigger say than you. Seethe.

Thats perfect. This just sets up succession. All the liberals move to blue states. All conservatives move to red states. Just drawing battlelines now.

I am done with wimmin in politics. Used to tolerate it but the decent ones are the extreme exception

The state lines are very similar on every other social issue, so this will work out

Hopefully this law cleanses the libtards off Texas before I move there.
(You can't stop me btw.)

>You won’t like us when we get angry
Nobody likes you already. KILL YOURSELF

anyone got any cool acronyms for a southern/east coast alliance that will combat this?

lots of farmland is gonna need fertilizer

>Rat in the court
As soon as Shaniqua B. Pedophile got on the court this decision was leaked soon after

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>abortions in some cases will be more inconvenient.
That was the bases for RVW in the first place. The bitch got knocked up and didn't want the kid and couldn't afford to travel to another state where it was legal. Funny enough during the whole ordeal she ended up having the child and putting it up for adoption. Even more comical she became pro life.

Fuck off, we're full.


Fuck off, no one wants your commie bullshit here either.

Greater Idaho welcomes you WA/OR bros

Nah brah

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As a conservative Californian, does this mean I have legal authority to kill Newsom for being treasonous? Please say yes.

good luck surviving without food I guess
maybe you could eat your almonds
oh wait you won’t have any water for for them


shut the fuck up, globohomo wants to fracture the USA into two or more pieces

>waiting for the penis
>turns around
What the fuck, that was destined to have a dick.

you're faggots and cowards. please do, my only hope is that you continue to pull the lions tail.

I'm pretty sure they weren't allowed until the very late 1800s but don't quote me on that. Outside of Portland there still aren't many (compared to other states at least).

We make the money so you can live off us like leeches. Seethe.

God damn bros I feel soo good today from all this. A day to remember! Almost lifting my crippling depression.


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They are extremist terrorist wanting to LITERALLY overthrow democracy. its time to use the patriot act and all that nasty shit

she's rated worst governor in america right now. incredible


I just watched the video. All 3 of those governors need to be assassinated. Now.

reminder, ignore all the political nicespeaking that they do, and just know that they are so violently and ugly determined to kill unborn babies.
that is what they want, no matter how they frame it. They want to kill unborn babies as much as they like, whenever they like, and some even want the option to kill them post-birth.
They are evil.

Maybe all of those people who invaded Montana, Texas, Tennessee and Florida will move back now.

kek. saved

This better be that civil war that I was promised. I unironically want to murder as many leftists as I can and not have it labeled as an act of terror.
I genuinely don't care if I die in the process.
Come, fight like hell. We're ready to defend ourselves.

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We have an army of incels. We'll be fine.

>just cede a huge landmass, ports, infrastructure, and arable land to your enemies.

Anyone who crosses state lines to kill their babbie should be charged with murder.

jews literally ALWAYS win
how are you supposed to beat an enemy that has had plans laid down for thousands of years.
you can't "get ahead of them" because the current structure of the world and everything in it is according to their plans.
you're playing in their game, thinking you have a chance of winning.

>Even more comical she became pro life.
lmao. I love burgerland

Fucken retard

Luckily you proved your worth during Covid when so many ships used the Panama Canal to deliver goods via the Gulf of Mexico.

Based. Same. I'm ready to unleash hell on these evil liberal and jewish faggots.

They stole the election you stupid nigger
It’s been proven. Watch 2000 Mules.

>You'll have to deal with us or work with Mexican cartels.
Cartels already own southern cali.

This is the only way to achieve national consensus.

Viva Basado Mexico

This. And we regularly train with our firearms.

Oregon is the 39th most densely populated state.

>tfw eastern Washington
>tfw the retards west of the cascades are getting uppity again
>tfw they can stomp and pout all they want, nobody out here listens to them anymore
Greatest Idaho can’t come soon enough. Everything east of the cascades in Washington and Oregon has more in common with Idaho than it does with the I-5 faggot corridor

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if there is a civil war 2.0, will the confederates will be recruiting? i'd like to come over and fight

Fuck Amerishart freedumb.

Fully agreeded. Im sure a few states will start their own investgation units into this. as they should.

it would make for a very compelling defense, if the glownigs didn’t off you

>Mandated Birth
Omgomg wow just like the netflix handmaids tale omg wow its all real in my mind Reereeeeeeree

They won't do shit

they dont have any water without the east

we can sell it to them

i never liked you before either

AWESOME. Can I donate? Can they take the entire countries niggers, spics and white liberals and just put them in those three states?

Where do I donate??

Picrel is you.

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This is you faggot

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