Saw this last night. I have no idea why kids, especially little boys would like this...

Saw this last night. I have no idea why kids, especially little boys would like this. This is supposed to be the movie that Andy loves but Buzz isn't even a hero in the film. He's mainly a fuckup for black women to fix

>Buzz is a giant fuck up the whole movie
>all men in the film are incompetent
>black CADET makes plans, that a 10 year old could make, that are successful
>Buzz is literally the villian

Lego Movie 2 wasn't that long ago...

Attached: Lightyear_(2022_film)_poster.jpg (258x382, 25.19K)

>hollyjew needs to psyop niggers into thinking they're smart instead of exterminating all the low IQ niggers with mandatory abortions

I heard he's gay now too.

I like how propaganda is supposed to be seemless but then it's the entire plot of the movie.

I watched knives out and the moral of the story was that whites are being replaced and thats a good thing. They even made fun of a Any Forums kid whose probably going to do a spree shooting.

The matrix directors said the Matrix was actually just propaganda this entire time like it was a brag and when the movie came out the critics were like "I-its just self satire!!"

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And when I watched knives out I didn't even believe in replacement theory.

Wasn't planning on watching it anyway

Go to Any Forums fuck outta here

It's not even going to break even

Does he get to fuck some exotic black ass at least? I'd be a fuck up to get fixxed by jungle queens.

He realizes the error of his ways and gives his girlfriend to a black man and begins a new same sex relationship with a prepubescent boy

I don't even know if your joking

If you let your white kids watch this then you should be beaten to death.

Imagine being pathetic enough to waste hours of your life watching kike propaganda. Let alone paying money to do so.

Top Gun was a fun movie to watch.

watched the DOG movie,was shit

My wife suggested we watch Knives Out in the middle of my process if red pilling her. One of her coworkers said it was funny. The propaganda was so on the nose it basically pushed her over the edge into being a white nationalist.

I don't think that was what her coworker intended.

watch the superior time dilation family kino

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>(((Military industrial complex))) is... le good!
Good goy. Keep sending tens of billions of your taxpayer dollars to Kikeraine.

Movies and TV are a (((psyop))) to hypnotize whites into complacency with amusing bread and circuses. Although now, (((they))) are confident enough that media doesn't even need to be entertaining anymore, so it's all 100% demoralization propaganda.

Attached: Join the United States Army.jpg (540x702, 102.87K)

How does one find a redpillable wife/gf?

You act like voting could control where are money goes.
Left or right they're both beholden to jewish interest.

I like planes
Simple as.

Attached: f-100-super-sabre.jpg (730x469, 55.25K)

Better question;

Why the fuck are you giving money to hollywood faggots? Stop it.

Didn't say anything about voting (and you're right, there is no political solution). Just that you're a retard for deriving entertainment from (((military industrial complex))) propaganda.