Your wish has been granted

you have two wishes left Any Forums what will they be....

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Dissolution of the federal government
Pizza day every day



I'd ask for the entire country to be overrun with immigrants and minorities but the first wish already guarantees that.

I'll have a coke

ban of dual nationals in congress

Full NFA repeal.

Invalidate the 16th

Ban abortion. But only for nonwhite babies.
It's for the sake of fairness. Whites don't deserve abortion, unlike the oppressed Pocs.

Holocaust 2 electric boogaloo

Thomas is already working on it....

Disembowel the fbi

Ban gay marriage.

construct an oven that can actually dispose of 6 million jews in 4 years

>whites don't deserve abortion
>so my wish is to ban abortion for nonwhites only
Nice going, retard.

Easy, remove ALL rights of women, niggers, and kikes.

Declare the 2020 elections unconstitutional due to legislation not changing the voting process.declare the 16 amendment unconstitutional.

Repeal the 19th
Reform voting so only net taxpayers can vote

only a citizen of these united states may hold a deed of land ownership

if I can't get a pony that I've been wishing for can I atleast get Trump Jr to run for president?

Create an Amendment that says:
No seriously, when the 2nd Amendment says the rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, it means shall not be infringed.
What do ya think of that ye pajama wearin', basket-face, sandal wieldin- clype, dreep- bachle, gether-uppin-bleate-maw, bleatherin', gomeril, jessie oaf-lookin', scooner, nyaff, plookie shan, milk-drinkin onions-faced shilpit, mim-moothed, snivelin', worm-eyed, hotten-blaugh, vile-stoochie, cally-break-tattie?

Overturn the law saying that corporations are people.

Bring back restrictive covenants and strike down the civil rights act

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forced emigration of colored people

Take away women's right to vote and work.

- ban gender identity shit and return to the original male/female classification.
- ban LGBT + (whatever the fuck letters are included)

Not just dual nationals, but anyone that is also applicable for being a dual national. many jews in congress aren't dual nationals but could get it in a heartbeat.

NFA violates "shall not be infringed"
Patriot Act violates "unreasonable searches and seizures"

I would like you to take some time for yourself, you absolute madlad.

Repealing the 19th

Repeal the following:
Hughes Act
Gay marriage
19th Amendment
Any two of those will be splendid.

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lmfao, this

kill niggers and kill jews

Ban male genital mutilation (circumcision) and force the hospitals and doctors to financially compensate every single man in this country who was mutilated as a child.

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Bloody hell calm down

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pizza day every day can be achieved for about $100 a week.

end the federal reserve

Remove GCA of 34 and everything since.

Ban gays from voting
Ban women from voting

Ban all gun laws, including 1968 one and 1986 ban on select fire weapons
