
"what's wrong with being a gay nazi?" edish

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Recently finished M Aquino's "temple of Set"

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Because eugenics say "Kill the faggot"

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meme i made

also fags inherently want black dick lol

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haha you are gay, lol

I love myself, my body and my mind. Retard xians would never understand this. Christadism appeals to brown subhumans who naturally are most submissive and less intelligent

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oh you made this? I shared it to my friend last night lol
>2 minutes
rent free malaka mou :)

Kek, a faggot pagan

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mhm now post how many orthotards rape kids kali mou :)

glad to see it getting viral lol. also i like blonde twinks owo

>shits up board
>gets reply
>lol rent free
That's not what that means, fag

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Himmler on Christian marriage, 3rd May, 1943:
“Marriage as it is today is the evil work of the Catholic Church. Regarded
dispassionately and without prejudice, our present marriage laws are absolutely
immoral. The marriage laws of today, presumably designed to protect the
family, in fact led to a decrease in the size of families. After the
war…monogamy will cease to be enforced upon promiscuous mankind. The
SS and the heroes of this war will have special privileges. They will
immediately have the right to take a second wife, who shall be considered to be
as legitimate as the first. The permission to have two wives will be a mark of
SS Officer Otto Rahn SS-Obersturmführer wrote a book, titled "Luzifer's
Hofgesind" "Lucifer's Court Servants." He spoke before a large audience on
January 9th, 1938 at the Dietrich-Eckart Haus in Dortmund, Germany. "Rahn
set a new limit to the spirit tied to the Romans, to the belief in a life after death,
and the fear of hell;" he rejected Yahweh and the Jewish teachings


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You know that pederasty in Hellas stopped in large part due to Christianity, right?

>mhm now post how many orthotards rape kids kali mou :)

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Yes and replaced by the equally abhorrent christian pedophilia (+now if you accuse the priest who raped you you're going to hell because the church in infallible :)) )

Ti malakas Thee mou. Kikes are satanists

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kek I love that game

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read black sun 666
Xianity was invented by kikes to subvert us
>suffering is good tee hee
>you have eternal sin
>material wealth and race are bad :)

Uh because this is Any Forums? Where the fuck do you think you are? We hate Hitler because he didn’t gas the kikes. We believe that all fags are pedophiles and that pedos must be executed. Kikes created homosexuals to destroy the White race. Well? Any questions, faggot? If not, then let’s wrap this thing up. You’re not a part of our movement and never will be.


Faggot you can't even say Christ, which is a Greek name btw. Eleos
Faggotry is an abomination and after we win I'm personally cleansing the clergy and church of kikes, pedophiles and opportunists. The subversion of Christianity doesn't make it any less right in the first place

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Rent free. I bet you're a retard. Only intelligence matters. You need homos like ernst rohm to attack kikes and other scum and not have to worry about living long enough to spread genes but too many heteroids would rather turn on us becuase gay love is "icky"

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Christardanity was subversive to begin with. Any of the lovely marble statues that survive today from classical times were the ones lucky enough to not have been vandalised by christkikes

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jesus didn't believe in gay or straight, only dominant and submissive, and the only bad thing is being submissive when you are male. same as the other Romans

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same :) my bf is really light haired and it turns me on

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If you're Greek then you know well enough that the destruction of statues happened during the Iconoclasm, in which not only were ancient Greek statues destroyed but also most Christian art as well. It happened after the order of Khazar, jewish emperors and the Christian church was the one that protected and hid many statues and texts, the ones that survive unharmed today. That's why most were found burried near churches

Don’t care, pedo. Stop grooming children. The majority of Any Forums agrees that fags are pedos and must be exterminated.

So based!!!1!. The Christard church saved the statues from being destroyed.... by the christtards themselves
siri, google number of new aqueducts built during the christian dark ages

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My bf and I are both 20 :)

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Contradiction in terms.

I understand that people like Rohm existed, but that doesn't make this any less nonsensical. Get the Nazi brainworms out of your head.

We are inevitable

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Read what Aesop says about faggots and stop being one, you're putting real Hellenists to shame

Doesn’t matter. Are you new here? Don't you lurk? You understand that we want your kind exterminated, right?

We invented flame throwers and the first automated vehicles during the medieval period

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