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bro you are in germany telling US what to do?

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Mind your business

For following the Constitution which EVERY elected person (and womb-carrier) swear to uphold?

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Who cares what some roastie has to say.

dude. go watch their testimony again.
maybe pull that dick out of your ass first.

lying about what exactly, they never told you how they would rule on anything, they couldn't.

I find it funny that every single idiot who are for abortion, were never aborted.

germans are cowards and retards. for the last 70 years we have literal nigger troops occupying their lands. those niggers fuck the drunk ass german women and german men do nothing about it.

Can we impeach Biden's sheboon for pretending not to know what a woman is.

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I mean it's true
It was sworn under oath that kavanaugha getting in would not endanger roe v Wade
Makes me glad I'm a democrat, we don't lie like rightwingers

They did actually
You weren't old enough in 2018 for Kavanaugha to swear under oath that he would not revoke roe v wade

that's a ridiculous question to ask in the first place, you can't ask a judge to rule on something outside of a legal process. I mean you can ask it and think it's binding, if you're an idiot, which most democrats are. Basically they asked a stupid question and the justices played along with their stupidity.

Okay, can you prove it?

he didn't say that, brainlet

isn't it weird how all those people who want to help immigrants and who want to keep children safe by banning guns (at least that is their intention) literally want to murder children
it is a weird kind of cognitive dissonance
and i say this as someone who identified as politically left some years ago

>It's settled precedent
Less you wanna show me all the downstream decisions revoked
It's an 8nteligent question as shown

good, go back to ireland you left twat

It's funny too how the opposing side wants niggers to murder whites before being aborted

Bro, literally the first paragraph of the article you linked. So where exactly is your evidence for
>It was sworn under oath that kavanaugha getting in would not endanger roe v Wade

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Go find the 2028 seating hearings and why Ford isn't in jail

Okay, I'll report back in 6 years.


Where are Joe Bidens Senate Records?

Don't ask to be spoon fed shit