the based Supreme Court has now officially ruled, banning abortion. Next up, Brown v. Board.

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Returned to the state level where is should ave been all along. Why is this being blow so out of proportion?

The Jews are seething

Is not banned retard, the states have the right to decide

because lefty loonies freak out whenever their imposed authoritarian dominance over normal people takes even the slightest hit.

>Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional

Repent and Amend your Lives.


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they will riot anyways. happy pride month nigger

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Because some states will ban it and a lot of people don't understand the concept of state/federal government.

>Why is this being blow so out of proportion?
Because Americans don't understand the distinction and don't understand their own laws
They think it's a binary thing, legal or not, when in truth it's a scale

Christ, here I am agreeing and defending a fucking leaf
The world really is turned upside down

You fat white incel losers now have ZERO chance of getting your cocks inside us women.

because the left forced abortion being legal and now it can be banned

The media you gay nigger

noooooo my right to casual sex noooooooo

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Sure, just have to be wealthy enough and thots like you will let them grab you by the pussy all they want.

I’m glad it’s overturned, but I’m curious other peoples opinion on mine: it might not be as much of a win as think. Maybe the kikes let it happen, rather than us winning. I can see a few reasons for that. Democrats are getting destroyed in polls now, people hate them. Now they just inspired a massive amount of whores, faggots, and cucks to “never let another republic I’m office again or this will happen.” Or maybe it was for all the right wing protests, have to give the goy a treat every now and then to keep the docile. What do you guys think?

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Sweet. Enjoy millions more niggers and leftist NPC offspring who will eventually oppose us.

Straight men prefer girls.

Jews are the ones behind this, just like everything else.
This is going to their benefit, more black babies are going to be born and they were the ones who used abortion the most. "Thank you, Biden!"

In my opinion, promiscuity is a much serious issue than three prevalence of niggers.

Leftist states are not banning abortion. You know, the states NIGGERS populate. Not worried about births anyways. More worried about the border crossers.