Zogbot here, i just attended a COC (Change of command ceremony)...

Zogbot here, i just attended a COC (Change of command ceremony). They had all the lower ranking people including me stand in a formation with hot blazing sun literally roasting us while all of the higher ups stood in the shade. The worst part was during the speeches, a fairly high ranking official was talking about how much he cares about us while people were passing out from the heat and hitting their heads on the pavement (this has happened to multiple people). Our millitary is doomed, i have never felt so dehumanized in my life

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Defect to National Socialism. No point in serving liberal democracies.

Did you not see the way they treated the troops when they locked-down DC?
They fed them raw chicken and had them sleep in a parking garage.

>i have never felt so dehumanized in my life
Isn't that the entire point of joining the military? You couldn't cut it on your own so you had to join the adult daycare, giving up an semblance of free will or humanity to become a cheap tool for the government

Shut up pog

I'm 100% convinced that if we are involved in a conflict that's isn't muzzies with flipflops and AKs we will se mass desertion, its really fucking bad man.

Former USMCR Zogbot here. Quit bitching. If standing in formation was the most dehumanized you've ever felt, your drill instructors failed you.

You're going to go through like ten to 15 sessions of standing in formation in the elements while officers suck each other off, every year, minimum. Have fun.

It's such a shame our military isnt made up of soulless bugmen who feel nothing and love being stepped on. Fuck you for being a zogbot but our zogbots are more human than theirs

Do you know what "frag" means?

Welcome to the shitshow you fucking boot next time go bitch to the BC himself and change your socks before you bring it to pol


They actually do this on purpose as a sort of historical hazing. Mine forgot to order arms so we stood at present arms for a 30m speech.

Like user said there's much worse issues you should bump into.

Oh wow, who could have seen this coming.
Oh wait, this guy did:

>"This" will get ZOG's victory over muh China
can't wait for nukes to fly

>Sign up for the US military.
>It's actually the Soviet military.

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Camp Lejeune?

Cry more bitch. And remember. Don't lock your knees.



Lol i got out before covid started. Sucks to be you. Why ddint you get out before Biden got elected idiot?

You’re a pussy OP and I hope your squad leader smokes the piss out of you

Have you tried putting in a complaint with your PSG? Your squad leader would really appreciate you not bothering him with it and adding to his plate, in fact it would likely demonstrate leadership qualities. Fuck, maybe even go right to ol first sausage and bring up some of the very valid points you did just here.

if stannding in 90 degree weather makes you pass out you probably shouldn't be in the military

Sucks to suck , grunt

>t. faggot e-2

Another zogbot, you're a fucking faggot.

>Isn't that the entire point of joining the military?
Actually no, why did they change protocol recently? Usually the guy in command is responsible for boosting morale.

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have you tried not serving the antichrist?

He’s probably not a grunt.

Coast Guard vet here. I hated change of command ceremonies. Nothing made me feel more worthless than having to stand like a statue for people who viewed me as lower caste.
I got out, used my GI Bill, got two good degrees and now have a great career where I don't have to put up with any kind of dog and pony shows like that. For any military members reading this, civilian life is not that scary. It's nice to have freedom. No one can ever tell me what to do and I can and have quit jobs when I hate the people above me.

Honestly they deserve it at this point. If they want to be the attack dogs of ZOG, then they should be treated as such.

god bless brother, I'm getting tired of these humiliation rituals

I know personally in the event of a draft I would resort to killing truancy officers before any enemy of this federal government

You ever wonder if the Jews might have a point about some people being too stupid to be considered human?

I always thought it was funny as shit seeing people faint from locking their knees for so long

I guess they were too dumb to stay hydrated, and locked their knees....you're fucking weak.

>Army too hot :(

Why do retards still join the military?
You are literal disposable trash there and all the officers are now trannies and communists.

Keep your oath

Get out when you can, bro. It's not bad out here. I make more money and I come home to my family every night. Use your GI Bill for something useful and actually enjoy your life.

Kek I was there and it was a fucking shit show. The experience was unanimous too, everyone from everywhere got completely fucked. Missed meals for days, kicked out of building after building and sleeping in lobbies and garages for nearly a week, nobody from the top down knew what the fuck they were doing so the mission, AO, uniform, shifts all changed hourly which led to many days-long guard shifts where you would up or downgrade your uniform, armor or weapon. Yeah I get it, it's an active whatever zone so expect the shit to suck, but it didn't just suck, it was the sheer lack of ANY cohesive plan or leadership. Just holy fuck dude I'm glad I'm out now, could you imagine if that fagforce had to oppose any kind of enemy? Christ.

It’s pretty funny that that’s the most dehumanized you’ve felt. You clearly have not been fully taking advantage of the army

Bend your knees dumb ass and you wont pass out.

Don't lock your knees you fucking retard

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to which nat soc regime? larping faggot.. like where to we 'defect'

I almost feel bad for you guys.

What's-her-face wanted mounted .50 cals...
In the middle of DC.
Imagine the collateral damage you'd get from even a short burst.

toughen up, buttercup.

they just wanted you to look strong withstanding the heat of the sun

Such a good insight into how these organizations function in 2022.