Is America socially decadent or am I a loser?


For various reasons I readily embraced traditional moral standards throughout my life - being courteous, friendly, trying to bring joy to people's lives, not having casual sex, not drinking, not smoking.

Yet all of this made me a fucking loser.

Is America actually decadent, or am I just a fucking loser?

Attached: Ardra_as_the_Devil.jpg (1438x1080, 294.33K)

American is the great Satan but only because jews infest it

US is mostly a hedonist snakepit, yeah


Can't it be both?

would make you normal before about 1955 i.e. before Boomerism took over

jews infest it and every other country because goyim are pathetic cowardly retards who let them despite their outnumbering the jews 1000:1
jews are right about goyim

It's actually because of genes.
Americans are immigrants, your ancestors are the ones who failed in their own countries.

How do I stop

I mean I have friends that I do shit with, I work out everyday, the "authority figures" throughout my life - always loved me, my peers just still fucking hate me

And I have been soul-searching for 2 years and while I definitely had some issues which I've fixed / been fixing, I still cannot figure out what the fuck it is

The USA is plagued with NPC normalfaggots akin to Idiocracy, coomer consoomers who are soulless trendy faggots that follow whatever is cool on tik tok and Snapchat while blaring nigger rap and saying that's cap. Just nuke us already

Idk man you sound like a hard to handle woman with "feelings" anger and such

You are on the right path to being a good person. It sounds like you need to surround yourself with who people who think likeminded. Also what's wrong with smoking and drinking lol

>A fucking leaf

Mainstream America is Sodom and Gomorrah, don't feel bad about refusing to partake of it.

The people that convinced you that was the right way to live life do all of those things.

Ik man, which begs the question - why the fuck are we taught that then?

Is the average human being so impulsive and animalistic that they are pushed to be tempered and hedonic by extremly puritanical rules?

>Also what's wrong with smoking and drinking
It leads to harder things like Heroin, murder and indiscriminate butt sex.

Fake an over abundance of confidence. Learn jokes, make them seem natural when you deliver them. Let people talk, zone out until their lips stop moving, then say “really?” “That’s awesome” or “that sucks”. The less you say the better. In the absence of information, they’ll fill in the blanks and assume you are cool. Lure them in, and when the time is right, get them in a bathtub and eat them so you c are n absorb their essence.

>For various reasons I readily embraced traditional moral standards throughout my life - being courteous, friendly, trying to bring joy to people's lives, not having casual sex, not drinking, not smoking.
Not one bit, I wish more of these niggers here would actually lead by example. Keep it up, all you're missing is a wife and kids

>why the fuck are we taught that then?
That depends on the person teaching, but typically obedience is the general theme.

Everything is a trick.
You are using brainwashing for ‘fun’ and then acting surprised when you find you have been shit upon.
>but everyone else does
and look at what the effects are. On you and them. I don’t and what i see is people completely out of their minds on brainwashing like something from a horror novel. No I’m not joking either. You are doing it to yourself but you can’t understand, i doubt that you can even focus upon the topic. If you try your mind will fog up with
>what we learned today
what the brainwashing has ‘taught’ you about this subject.
If you could stop don’t you think more people would have done? You haven’t stopped because you cannot. You think you have free will but free will is no good when interacting with an illusion, doesn’t matter what you do if you accept the illusions.
All the things you think are mysterious and hidden are in plain sight, you cannot see what is happening, you are lost and you are all doing it too yourselves for a cheap dopamine fix like rats in a maze sucking on the sugar water dispenser ignoring the food until they starve.
This is one of the biggest factors in what is happening now, the downfall of humanity. The end of the species.

OP, just remember that the degenerate lifestyle is fun and cool when you're in your 20's/college. when you go to higher education like law/med school or join a competitive career path, people will seriously look down on you for being a party degenerate especially as people get older and want to find responsible people capable of raising children

so yes, you are a loser now (assuming you're younger) but later on you will not regret having an ounce of discipline in your routines

we Weimar 2.0 buddy

it's only gonna get worse

>when you go to higher education like law/med school
Lmao those fuckers just switch to Adderall and psychedelics. Alcohol is a bad drug

and at least 75% of Greeks since Greek independence are in fact Turkish migrants who arrived during the Byzantine and Ottoman periods and raped the Greeks out of existence

We're living shitty times, because the people are shit. Christ calls us to live backwards, not with the Demons of this world. You have to be considered a fucking loser in orden to reach something higher.

I have suffered a lot in order to understand this with only 23 yrs, and I started with this journey with 21.