How Do We Turn Texas Blue?

People there need to be safe from crazy rightoids.

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Right-wingers claim to hate everything they actually love.

News at 11:00.

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Trannies shit themselves every day

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Just wait.

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Kids who use teachers to bully people grow up to be undisciplined and unaccomplished freaks who feel entitled to the success their upper middle class parents had.
You don't do the whole 'don't misgender me' thing because you believe in it, you just want an excuse to bully other people. Like the classic bully, you rationalize that your victims deserve it for failing to follow your ridiculous and arbitrary standards. And you run when your victims fight back while playing victim yourself.

When a tranny gets his dick cut off it essentially destroys his ability to have a normal piss.

Instead it takes them 30s mins to have a piss as it dribbles out and another after they finish for the dribbling to stop. Leaving them smelling like piss a lot of the time.

>Me being a Wilmington-Leland NC chad.
Most Racist place in the country besides Arkansas apparently.

assigned male is a fucking freak. look into his history. plebbit probably scrubbed it.

the image is incorrect, broski.

Why are the nigger heavy places so into troons?


why does the black belt search for so much shemale porn?

They aren't wrong! Take the hint tranny! Buy the rifle and off yourself. They made it easy for that reason.

that sounds like a great situation. go shit on your balls freak.

Democrats don't watch shemale porn because they've actually seen what "shemales" look like irl.

Mass ritual public suicide with a manifesto of demands should work.

weirdos like to use vpns.

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Retarded comic. Last time I checked I couldn’t just up an order a rifle from Amazon. Fags are the literal worst.

Just imagine the character is trans

And this is a good thing!

Literally every "comic" is some cringe shit about being trans. There are no jokes, you're entire identity is about being half man and half grotesque woman. Even feminists have more depth than this.

Just wait. The whole us will go blue right before civil war 2 electric boogaloo

>Making a Texas thread when you know every red blooded Texan patriot is out at work right now
Yee has I already did my 40 hours of work for the week. Keep dreaming of a blue Texas tranny. Even the wetbacks hate yall.


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>How Do We Turn Texas Blue?
We don't, fuck you go back to re ddit

It's awful. When you point out how wrong they are when they make statements like this they just double down and ho to their internet hugbox for reassurement from other mentally I'll retards. My sister does this shit all the time. She acts like background checks dont already exist, she thinks you can just order a gun to your house and will argue with you if you call her out.