Tonight is the night

How do I prepare my parents? Is there any way to soften the blow?

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Put a trash bag over your head so there's less shit to clean up.

Why don't you bring someone with you?

Don't do it, we need you in the upcoming civil war

Go to Ukraine to fight or something.

Minecraft politicians and force them to take u out then your parents will at least grudgingly respect you

hijack a plane and fly to antarctica

First off, don't. Second, make sure a cop finds you first so they can clean you up in a morgue before they see your corpse.

I'll never understand suicidality that wants to be private. You damn well know there are problems out there.

If you kill yourself without at least attempting to take out some of your ideological enemies with you then you are both a nigger and a pussy

Antidepressants literally make you feel more depressed. Don't ever take them.

Write the longest letter you ever have in your life. Get absolutely everything out. Refine it. Print it out. Make hand written edits as you reread it. That way they have something chonky to return to whenever they miss you. Try and fill it with happy memories and not just regrets. Things you were grateful for and not just your fears and present miseries. Write about all the things you'd have liked to have done and not just the things you're angry about never being able to.
That way they won't just understand you, but you can bring them smiles as well as tears. Don't leave them without a note, and don't leave them with a small one.

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do a flip, faggot.

Be a man and wait till your parents are dead you ungrateful cunt.

Tonight is the night. The night you stop demoralizing yourself and the people around you. You will go to bed at a normal hour and you will wake up a better man. With a whole life ahead of you

Yes by actually fighting and dying for your race instead of just offing yourself.

Man you are pathetic.

Delete your frog and wojak folders

I don't blame you for wanting to die honestly. I'd just write on a bit of paper with a rhetorical question such as. "Do you blame me"?

Your parents will be devastated, or you will fuck something up and end up in an amberlance.
What is the reason to "log off"?

yeah no
Get your head clean, do sport and lifting, spend time in nature, read a book, stop eating shit food

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>waffle nigger

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Extremely Severe OCD. Like, I’m talking worse than Howard Hughes.

Did you know it's said the ones who kill themselves with a knife will continue killing themselves for eternity, the ones who etc, and even if people say dying ain't that bad they never did it, it probably ain't comfortable.

I had to deal with a suicide and I will never condone or encourage it. It's a terrible thing to do to yourself and the people around you. Get help.

That sucks, buddy, hope you don't die tonight. Go tell your parents you plan on killing yourself tonight and you want to talk to them about it.

dont kill yourself brother. I dont understand you nor your situations, but god has given us means to drag ourselves back up. Dont let faggots in this thread demoralize you.

Please don’t, we Love you user

Please do not kill yourself. You're going to destroy more lives than just your own.

Your parents will be irrevocably ruined. Their lives will be completely trashed forever. They will have severe emotional trauma from which they will never recover. If you're blowing your head off, at least do it outside so your mom doesn't have to scoop your brains off the floor and your dad doesn't have to pull chunks of your skull out of the drywall before he fixes it.

What meds are you on?

There’s no help that can be had for my condition. It’s incurable and will only get worse in time. Suicide is the only way to end the pain

Nope. Do a flip faggot.

if you sure you want to do it, try buying DMT drug first and try it out.

I think that is something worth to try out before dying.

This honestly, it would he based,

Killing yourself is pretty lame, I respect failure way more. Even if airport security shot you, even if you failed to take off and crashes into the tarmac, even if you tripped and fell down the stairs because you are a fat fuck it would be better than killing yourself.

Simply because you had died doing something.

Post your stream so we can watch

Prozac, Seroquel and one other that I can’t remember

Just meditate bro
It’ll take a while but you can cure any mental disorders with enough willpower

it's better if you go missing, at least then there is some sliver of hope left for them. can you do it somewhere you won't be found?

Make it look like an accident.
Overdose on drugs or something...

Name me in your school in your suicide note.

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This. Suicide is not an excuse to have no decency.

Start fasting, nigger. Remember that EVERYTHING is better than suicide, even taking a ship to god knows where. Man the fuck up, take the good with the bad and start creating a new life for yourself instead of throwing away your potential. You've let your "disorders" define you instead of mastering your own destiny. It's not too late to change.
Get to it, bud, accept your new life, it is in YOUR hands.

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Why don't you take the kikes responsible for your pain with you? Someone has to start the race war.

That’s the risk you take having kids

Have you considered telling your parents that your extreme OCD is making you suicidal? You may not have solutions, but they've been on this earth decades longer than you. They might. Your grandparents might. And if not they might point you in a direction where you can discover it.
Even if they freak out and get stupid, they can't stop you in the end. Why not exhaust an option or two between the now and then?

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Don’t take your meds.
Don’t become an hero.
Don’t let your parents down.
Become better. Begin now.

And also do not suicide, because you can do so much else with your life and in your life… not worth to do it man.

just move to a totally different place for example, do something else, go learn something

Don't do it user it's a one way ticket to eternal torment in hell. Please pray and ask Jesus Christ to guide you and he will.

Go to Ukraine and let ruskiis to clean it up

Livestream or gtfo

you let the kikes win, huh? disappointing. I expected more from you, user.

To live is to suffer. That's how it is. Get fucked. What now? Roll the damn dice you pussy. Tonight is the night you "die", but you can wake up tomorrow as a dead man. Think about it.

Before you do, wanna hang out and get out one final adventure? Not sure why you're committed, not going to talk you out of it, but more than happy to host if you want one last hurrah before you quit. What do you have to lose? I'll whip up a throwaway email if you want.

Already tried it
They already know about my OCD.
I’ll probably live-stream it. Would be nice to talk to some of you in my final moments

Hmm, well... that's less ideal.
Why not e-mail elon musk for one of them head-crab devices.

Anyway, your mind is too powerful, best to keep it under control somehow and learn to live with it.

Ok well have the meds switched. Or just stop taking them. If you're about to kys, none of them are working.

If you're decided to kill tourself, at least go and take some wicked with you - go to the "drag queen story hour" and kill every single adult int there. And THEN commit suicide.

(b' ')b
Lets make the last kek the best!

We need you, don't do it

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no way to soften the blow. either way its going to crush their life. they'll probably divorce out of pain and possibly follow you with death out of the pain you caused. i cant think of a more selfish act but its your choice in the end. there is no silver lining in this.

Just wait until they die to kys

I can't find the fragment but Christ once asks why do you feel you are cleaned in water if pigs are cleaned in it too. I hope that helps.

Why are you killing yourself if your parents still care about you? Go outside

>learn to live with it.
I can’t. That’s why I’m an heroing tonight.
I’ve tried like 4 other meds. Honestly my condition is literally incurable. Meds don’t help. Suicide is my only option left

I know what pic he meant. I want to see it, too.

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