Why is everything so depressing nowadays?

Is it just me or has everyone in the world become unhappy? Something feels off.

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Because we let it get depressing by not shooting the evil fucks responsible for it decades ago

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You just noticed?
Decline and fall of the western Empire m8, thats why is everyone on SSRIs. A whole suit of bs that demoralises people

Just don't think about it

>Everyone is a whore or whoremongerer
>Everyone is a sociopath towards one another
>Everyone is a druggie
>Lot's are miscegenating
>The ramifications of which are permanent when bred into the next generation
Absolutely no reason at all why things are depressing I agree.

things are getting depressed because capitalism must be stopped, the world is facing massive climate change and resources shortage

billions will starve to death

maybe those billions shouldn't have been born in the first place


because depression rates having literally been rising to records highs every year. and thats just depression, nevermind stress and irritation, apathy.

Everyone is terminally online

Covid just made family problems even worse.

Mom went conspiracy theory schizo the same way I did back in 2014.
Mom went suicidal.
Dad has bricks for brains.
I feel uncomfortable around my parents.
Nobody smiles or is happy.

I think it's by design. The pandemic forced millions if not billions in debt and hardship.

Literally the only one profiting from this are big pharma and the banks and the war machine. The usual suspects.

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Watching heartwarming videos i.e. animals saving people, people saving animals, etc. helps me. If you're on here watching webms all the time it will affect your psyche. Got to balance that shit out.

Trannies are mentally ill. White people were happy. Trannies decided to drag white people down with them. Now everyone is unhappy. Trannies blame white people.

For you

I literally can't do anything enjoyable like an immovable object gets in the way. Life just feels..well, gray all the time.

>MF stays on pol and drink cum and copium from angry incels every single day
>Why is everyone a fag?
Lmao touch grass

Instant gratification has ruined the natural chemistry of your brain.

Klaus Schwab predicted this

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Video games are shitz i cant bike anymore becuase the streets are ass in my local area and the drivers are murderous even if i get out of their way and stay on sidewalks, gas is too damn expensive, covid wrecked small business and gutted every town in america, fucking lost its appeal since without marriage its just a drug and with any drugz you do it enough and you fwel nothing. Those are my personal reasons.

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As a Schadenfreude enjoyer, I'm happier than ever lately

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