Who's behind this type of ideas

Who's behind this type of ideas

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probably jews desu.


Desperate people

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Impossible. I change my speaking voice every day

I would rather talk to a robot box
the retarded left/right/conspiracy eCeleb brainwashed fuckheads you have all become.

least the robot voice of my dead grandmother wont sperg about Trump and Tim Poole

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>can mimic the voice of dead relatives
>presumably not live ones
How does it know?

Someone post rhat vr of the mother who lost her young daughter and they recreate the daughter in vr or what ever. Imagine having a 1 year old, they die and you can't hear their cute little baby babble. But then you get this shit? Fuuuuuuuu.

Kek imagine Alexa speaking with Hitler's voice.

like some skinwalker shit

id doesn't have to be a dead relatives voice. the publisher of the article just specifically mention dead relatives to get the click out of you. and now there is a whole 4chins thread for it. baka

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its deep fake but for voice
it needs a source to modulate the voice, doesn't matter wherever its dead or not
inb4 somebody feeds it Hitler speeches

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Would get an alexa just for this

>Alexa, what's the weather like today?
>(((old granny voice))): Oy Vey, it's like anudda shoah! Remember ze 6 quintillion


>feed it 1 minute of hitler speeches
>now got hitler as my roommate

>Alexa, tell me about the jews in Hitler's voice.

Based, where can I order one? Do I have to train it by playing hitlers speeches over and over?

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