Anti Depressants

Why are anti depressants terrible for you and why shouldn't you be on them?

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>taking Any Forums memes seriously
>not antidepressantsmaxxing

The brain is very complex compared to other organs so anti-depressants can have many side effects.

They should be a short- to medium-term tool to walk yourself off the ledge and get yourself back to a place where you're psychologically stable, not a permanent solution to just being dissatisfied that you aren't "happier"

it's just a genuine question because why should someone need a pill to get through their day to day life.

They reduce brain inflammation, so they work great if you have an inflamed brain. If you’re just a retard who thinks he feels sad sometimes you’re gonna go nuts and shoot up an elementary school

if you can be happy without thinking or doing things that make you happy you are not happy and are a psychic cancer vector point for the rest of our society.

i excuse women moreso for this because they can't just NEET like men.

tldr it's selling out

Depends on your actions, your chemistry, and your outlook.
If you can use them responsibly and actively try to help yourself, some may actually help you.
If you're just looking for a magic "fix it" pill, then you're fucked.
Citalopram got me out of a devastating chemical depression, and Adderall has been helping immensely with my stupid reuptake problem. ADHD is real, but it's wildly misdiagnosed.

I was always a bit nervous like crippling at times and had social anxiety i guess which held me back big time. Dropped out of high school, was a neet for 8 years. One thing was that i was really straight edge. My whole family had drug or alcohol problems at one point besides me. Eventually i entered the work force and was a really good wagie for a bit every place i worked went out if business. Long story short, in my early 30s i started having all kinds if problems sleeping with my mind racing and just going off on it's own while i tried to sleep a few hours before work. Eventually i just started crying randomly which is not me along with weird physical issues. I went to a psychiatrist who put me on a mild low dose ssri and xanax. The ssri literally caused me to be tired all the fucking time. I'd sleepten hours and wake up exhausted. I dropped that and he prescribed a different one which i never took. The xanax do wonders though. I know onions lose their minds over benzos but i take them responsibly and really have no complaints.

I was pretty depressed through high school and college and I really felt my life was worth nothing and at 24, a virgin, I was seriously considering suicide. Then a doc prescribed some paxil to me, I spent a year or a year and a half being incredibly happy, socializing and basically learning what being happy felt like. Then I got off the pills and stopped being a huge antisocial faggot. Got laid, got dumped, got a good job, basically a normal life after that. It's been like ten years and I think I wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for that period of my life on SSRIs

It's a broad question and doesn't have a binary answer per se. Also are you talking about SSRI meds, or shit like benzos (xanex, valium, etc).

There are over 30 different types of antidepressants, you might have to experiment yourself with most of them to find the suitable anti depressant for you. They'll also make you fat and withdrawals are pretty shit too.
Hit the gym faggot.

im not asking the question for myself. I'm just curious nigger

just any type of anti depressant.

It's for anyone who considers antidepressants as an option. Modern psychiatry isn't "modern" enough to be trusted like other modern medicine. We are still in a middle ages in terms of psychiatry.

How's the withdrawal with SSRI?

They fuck up your brain and kill your dick. In many cases they will give you wild mood swings and make you want to an hero. Bad withdrawal symptoms when you try to get off them too.

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Killer headaches mainly, you have to ween yourself off by gradually decreasing the dose over the course of a month or two.

They're very similar to smoking weed everyday but without the nice warm feeling. You just feel like you can settle and don't need to fix your problems because the current situation is bearable, so you do nothing.

It effectively castrates your ability to fix your situation that's causing you to be depressed in the first place and holds you in place.

I'll give you a good answer. Very few people need them who have a real chemical imbalance. The rest, though?

Antidepressants treat symptoms of when a person's brain knows they are not self-actualizing. By treating only the symptom, their personal situation does not improve, and festers. Things get worse and worse, until, in extreme cases, then they use the extra serotonin from the antidepressants to kill themselves or others.

So, what should a healthy society do? Give people stimulants instead. Stimulants give people the extra push to actually SOLVE their situations, focus through, power through. Then they can relax after.

Anti-depressants are a band-aid like alcohol and depressants. If people are upset with their station in life, they need to FIX the root cause. That requires discipline, and sometimes a bit of a kick in the balls which can be delivered by stimulants (amphetamines, nicotine, modafinil, etc.).

The reason that stimulants are banned in most of the world is because people who reach self-actualization are dangerous to the people in power. That's why society pushes things like weed and alcohol and anti-depressants, to keep the population placated.

If you're upset in life, take some stimulants, and have a really sharp introspective look about actionable things you can do to IMPROVE your life.


Has anyone else used them for OCD?I kept trying to get off them every once in a long while but my OCD-hankering always comes back full force. I never thought taking them would be a permanent thing, especially when I had 'chemical' depression where I felt depressed constantly for no real reason. But even with that facet treated and gone years ago the OCD seems to never go away without meds.

I took them when i was feeling a little sad in Project Zomboid and they worked.