Is being pro-Ukraine/NATO a boomer thing?

Everyone I’ve spoken to below the age of 30 seems to take a neutral or even pro-Russian side on the conflict. Everyone over 40 has got Ukraine flags in the window.

Butthurt belters are excluded, they are overwhelmingly pro-Ukraine regardless of age.

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Yes, boomers still watch and trust the man on TV.

They're the epitome of NPCs. But they'll he gone soon, and it's why the jews are panicking.

t. millennial

>commies: pro Russia
>non commies: pro Ukraine

>The war against the Soviet Union is the war against you, proletarian!
- 1920s communist propaganda
Nowadays, the proletarian is the incel zoomer lol.

They had a lifetime of social conditioning that Russia bad, nato good. They can’t think outside of this.

exhibit A

Is that cope because I showed you fall for 100 year old propaganda?

and ruining the economy is all boomers know.

Boomers remember the cold war, younger generation mistakenly think that it is over.

Shut up old man before I fly to Deutschland and break your hip

Only reason it's not over is the fucking west keeps it alive for their fear-based control grid methods they've adopted.

Too bad we will be too old by then. Wish I was 20 when the boomers die

Seems a bit weird to call Russia communist when it’s been a hypercapitalist kleptocratic oligarchy for the last 30 years. Are you a calcified brain red scare boomer?


maybe. i know plenty of young fools that support the ukraine

Maybe also depends where do you live. My country is next to Ukraine, and honestly, I do not feel good about the prospect of Ukraine not winning this. It would be terrible if Russia wins and will expand their influence. in the region. It always sucks being under Russia.

Here boomers saw soviet tanks rolling through our streets in 68 and that's why they don't really want to side with Russia.

It's a white person thing. If you're a nigger - support jewtins mongoloid invasion, sure

Hating Russia is a universal thing. One of the few issues everyone agrees on except contrarian losers that dream of society collapsing because only that might improve their miserable lives. Protip It wont.

I mainly speak to middle class white people.

Russia is objectively evil.

Don't hurt yourself while standing up from your walmart cart lmao

>kleptocratic oligarchy
In other words, communism

Europes laws and society would be far closer to the soviet union than what russia is today

Nah. It's a retard thing. And there are a lot of retards in this world.

In other words, communists.

>Hating Russia is a universal thing
Yes. Universal among gay retard boomers and kikes.

Is the US communist too then, according to your definition? Cos that is also a kleptocratic oligarchy.

>Russia is objectively evil.

Exactly this. People who says the opposite are living in countries like Britain or USA, far away from them.

Nope among everyone. All ages.

Boomers have little to lose due to global conflict. They will not be called upon if needed to give their life for a cause they care nothing about. Youth skew towards neutrality because they dont want to be dragged into another decade long 'war'.

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Fag spotted

It's cold war PTSD

Why wouldn't you want to keep your potential enemies down and not let them consolidate power? If putin gets Ukraine - it's basically a restoration of soviet union and his influence and power would skyrocket. Then your interests in Europe are threatened and if you play isolationism again, you might very well stop being a global superpower.
And being global superpowers is why you are so rich, so everyone will feel it.

>guy from the country that gave us Merkel and Schwab calling anyone else evil

I could see why a quadruple vaxxed and boosted CBS watcher might think so

Check out taxes to GDP ratio, drooling retard. Russia has fewer taxes than USA (same as China for that matter), while Europe is literally governed by bureaucrats. You belong to them.

I hope he does to be quite honest. Fuck you corrupt niggers.

yeah, they're relics of the cold war. younger folk who still support nato/ukraine are either annoyingly gay, satanic globalists, or both.

Dealing with corrupt niggers around the world and fighting for influence over them has been a game empires played for centuries.

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Americans are only rich on paper. GDP has huge issues, and income inequality in the US is worse than in some African shitholes. Plus having barely any public safety net is a huge detriment. I doubt the median American is any better off than the median European, probably much worse off from a standard of living perspective.

I'd say this is about right. There is absolutely horrid wealth inequality and the federal reserve only makes it worse and worse. As things stand they want to suppress our wages to fix their mistakes.

>Russia has fewer taxes than USA
No, we do not. Making taxes hidden from people by making their employers pay them does not mean they are not there.
Also fucking 20% sales tax. 20% nigga. Americans would riot over this.

The good news is that globohomo is unraveling FAST. Boomers are retarded and will always believe whatever they're told to believe, but just like this clown society, they're dead soon.

What is a belter?

someone who lives in a belt region

Hi Gary,

Thanks for your question submission. The Butthurt Belt is typically defined as countries that were within the old soviet sphere of influence (Baltics, Poland, Romania) + Finland.

It's a globohomo thing, and as easy to spot an npc as it was during the coof panic.

A rare non-cringe memeflag post