What the fuck

what the fuck

Attached: 5435345345.jpg (680x449, 29.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x80dcd7da01c280c3:0xf73982db60c65ffb!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/graumans+chinese+theatre/@34.1015459,-118.3408825,3a,75y,351.25h,90t/data=*213m4*211e1*213m2*211sVqdI72NHF7hNiC0lTp9TTA*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x80dcd7da01c280c3:0xf73982db60c65ffb?sa=X!5sgraumans chinese theatre - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2sVqdI72NHF7hNiC0lTp9TTA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO9f6EsMX4AhVLKkQIHerrAzQQpx96BAhsEAg

yea wtf no red at all

when did the gamers buy hollywood

Is this like the equivalent of a mating call for trannies? They're molesting kids in the hills tonight?

how hasnt this already happened

Honestly surprised nobody thought of this before.
Unless I'm a slow poke and this is old news.
Fits that faggot infested land perfectly

gay pride is for norcal not socal

san francisco has harvey milk plaza, los angeles has gang violence and smog





It's Hollywood. What did you expect?

This isn't like Flamin' Hot Cheetos going rainbow and calling itself Flamin' Gay Cheetos.

Someone should light it on fire.....in minecraft.

idk that sign is huge and those projectors only recently got pretty good right? you see people writing shit on walls at all the protests now so must be cheap as fuck to just get a couple and a generator and go up the mountain to setup your fag lights

why are you even slightly surprised? all of those jews get their dicks sucked my male actors.

Attached: hollywood_shit.jpg (880x950, 98.01K)

no way. gay city is gay?

Attached: 1651016144438.jpg (826x694, 76.96K)

Los Angeles has West Hollywood, and Hollywood.

How'd you feel about nobody showing up to kingdom day after everyone shows up to pride?

fags are the new niggers.

its new, twitter is all hivemind freaking out about it also and some even claiming Mandela effect that they remember seeing it lit up once before

Infested with Jewish pedophiles so it makes sense.

It's a simple mistake
They thought MAPs where on the LGBT

Cock smoker month

>when did the gamers buy hollywood
RGB is for fags

All Jews are faggots that push homosexuality.

I went on vacation to California just 4 months ago. I decided to go see the Hollywood Stars Walk of Fame. Literally right across the street from the Grauman's Chinese Theatre was some homeless bums shooting up. I even looked it up on Google maps just now and if you turn the camera around you can see bums even in that picture across the street. California is a disgusting shit hole.

google.com/maps/uv?pb=!1s0x80dcd7da01c280c3:0xf73982db60c65ffb!3m1!7e115!4s/maps/place/graumans+chinese+theatre/@34.1015459,-118.3408825,3a,75y,351.25h,90t/data=*213m4*211e1*213m2*211sVqdI72NHF7hNiC0lTp9TTA*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x80dcd7da01c280c3:0xf73982db60c65ffb?sa=X!5sgraumans chinese theatre - Google Search!15sCgIgAQ&imagekey=!1e2!2sVqdI72NHF7hNiC0lTp9TTA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjO9f6EsMX4AhVLKkQIHerrAzQQpx96BAhsEAg

Hollywood is gay

Not even middle America is safe anymore.

Attached: gay-columbus-cops.webm (288x512, 2.89M)

You would know

HOMOSEXUALS, you say? In MY Hollywood?!