The meme that destroyed pol

The meme that destroyed pol

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Who's holding them?

And leafs account for 100% of the worst fucking posts on this board

How many of those are from legal guns you retarded leaf

Specifically pistols do in the vast majority of cases but they always go for the scary black rifles when talking about bans.

You just don't like guns because they're black.

heheh actually a good point but fuck you try and take em

Good to know that guns are sentient.

Fucking retard.

Attached: 1648867903802.gif (150x150, 176.24K)

Niggers would be chucking spears at each other in the streets if guns didn't exist

So you want to disarm black people?

Attached: World white countries black crime.png (626x355, 10.75K)

So if we follow the persons logic on the right that since they're a majority of the problem they should be banned right?

Therefore he should be okay with banning niggers too for the sake of safety of all.

There's more guns than people in US though so per capita guns kill fewer people than niggers do by about 10x.

>guns bad!

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100% of people that get murdered, died. Lets banned murder now

You chads be wary of guns going 'round there. I've heard some sentient 9mm kept patrolling my neighborhood last week looking for people to kill. Should I call the police?

If you make to much sense OP is going to go cry in ‘her’ closet again.

76 - 55 = 21
Without niggers only 21% of homicides are with guns.

Attached: Across African Countries compared to whites.jpg (1023x653, 104.03K)

I didn't know guns had a mind of their own
wtf we're in Iron Giant, boys

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Guns are tools and some people misuse them

All of them are legal, thats the fucking problem you idiot.
>muh stolen guns
who fucking cares, they were legally bought at some point

>We should ban guns to get rid of 76% of homicides
How will we get rid of 55% of homicides?

>All of them are legal
>they were legally bought at some point
Slamfire shotguns and other junk guns still get put down as firearms for crime stats.

And what are the percentage of those in gun crime? I'll be waiting for sources.

faggot, herbal remedies for your thread

Attached: gunproblem.jpg (784x767, 69.9K)