Whats his fucking problem?

whats his fucking problem?

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Ol' Muskox is doing the literal opposite. He booted hundreds of Twitterites for being too Antifa-y just this week.

if you have a billion dollars you are a pedophile. there is no other reason to need that much money.

Cheap, un-unionizing labour

What about all of those poor pedophiles?

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they get caught.

money protects pedophiles. with a billion bucks you can kill and eat a child on a public street in manhattan.

cheaper slave labour, more potential commisars for zog

He's sick of normies and wants to watch shit go south.

Massive labor supply keeps wages low

You know, I often think what I would do if I had a billion dollars and it always ends up being pretty boring. Same shit I'm doing now basically but with a nicer computer and not having to go to work. I wonder if I would just slowly devolve into further more depraved sex crimes...

probably his hairline

Slave labour from across the entire globe

>I often think what I would do if I had a billion dollars

easy peasy, build an orbital platform for your 1000 closest friends and plunge the rest of the world into an ice age.

This is the part where lefties support the economic policies of the ultra rich. Funny how that works.

Absolutely this. Bezos was the one with the leaked memo from whole foods stating that diversity prevented unionization. All these slavemasters want is a limited trust society of workers they can rile up against each other using mainstream media whenever they want. A more controlled system. All they care about is N+1 dollars and they do not even care one bit of the civilizations they rule over fall apart. More power. More control. More power. More control. Bezos, like many of his contemporaries, is a fucking sociopath seeking slaves and using bright and fun language to promote a hellscape that he rules over. Simple.

Attached: Diversity is our strength goyim.jpg (720x765, 323.51K)

Union Busting.

Kinda what terra mar was/is. You have an underwater civilization that can be gotten to by submarine and you let the entire world fall into shambles as you release a virus that kills the rest of humanity.

>Occam's Razor

I know BioShock is fiction but I still think the outcome of such a venture would be the same.

He wants you to be his chattle slave.

Amazon has a problem retaining workers (due to poor working conditions), I believe they are going to run out of people to hire in the coming years. They also want a diverse work force because they did research and found that area's with a primarily non white workforce were less likely to unionize.

Guy thinks he's hot stuff that the easiest business model in the world fell right into his lap and made him a trillionaire. He's like if some bitcoiner who jerks off all day and thinks he's as smart as a ivy league graduate because he made millions off the gamble. The guy is not a genius, but he's starting to think he is, and wants total control over the peasants.

It’s all Blackrock. It’s an extortion racket to keep corporations under their thumb


This 100%

durr thats not real capitalism durrrr thats corporatism durrrrrrrrrr

It's a double boon for them. They get slaves who will work for pennies while pushing down the domestic population and securing their place as aristocrats. The time has come for a global revolution and for the workers to emerge from the factories and demand what was promised. And when those in power inevitably refuse and demand the laborers bow their heads and return to work, the laborers can make them bow their heads.

>whats his fucking problem?
Americans don't want to work, I will come to America, they whine about working at Amazon, I would work at Amazon and not complain because it's a good job.

Instead of trying to attract a cheap workforce, why not just invest into making robots and software do the work?

Simple economics. Immigration expands the supply of workers. Greater supply means cheaper cost of labour. Cheaper cost of labour means higher profit margins.
If you haven't noticed, the entire cultural-political movement by the 'left' is actually entirely orchestrated by the power of global capital, which wants to bust down borders and turn all of humanity into a single unified pool of labour for Western capital.

elon musk ane bezos are creating a left vs right dynamic to mind fuck everyone while they steal your freedoms on twitter

Not everyone wants to fuck kids, psycho. Some of us just want a ranch indawoodz with off grid energy sources and starlink.

Most immigrants who come to the western countries are seriously disappointed. They think they are going to live in a mansion, with three blonde wives offering them blowjobs and a ferrari to drive in. But they end up in one-room appartments, working 50-hour jobs they hate, feeling lonely and isolated and having to walk or take the bus.

>whats his fucking problem?
Even leftwing academic papers on immigration show that "diversity"
>lowers civic engagement
>lowers unionization
>lowers wages
It's about more than subverting domestic labor markets, it's about disenfranchising you.
They simply want dumb consoomer cattlegoyim who won't politically or economically challenge them.

You're insane if you don't think Elon Musk isn't incredibly pro-immigration

His company's turnover rate is so high he'll literally start running out of people to work for slave wages soon if he can't import more