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what do they have against small circles?

Hahaha a nigger, chink, mutt of shit, manlet, and poo walk into a bar

Brazil about to break out the popcorn.

And they kill the american bartender

90% of India's economy is selling cheap shitty IT support to the US. If they think China or Russia needs incompetent indian IT support, they're nuts. Indian IT probably even has higher wages than the Chinese.

I'd love it if India fucked off to join an alliance with China and/or Russia. It would be the best thing for the US.

Brazil is about to charge you more for coffee and avacado toast.

Death to the west

And the bar was still whiter than America

José, that is no way to speak about other people.

subhumans committing violent crimes? shocking!

You notice they’re not sanctioning Russia. They also want in on the SWIFT alternative that China and Russia are building.

you underestimate how much of the Indian economy is scam call centers

India is pivoting to selling coal to China

US education, everyone.
Remind me, mutt, what nationalities are the CEOs of the biggest American tech companies?

good morning sirs!

>Killing the spawn of satan isn't a crime, it's the holy duty.
guess you should kill yourself then, orc

Sirs do not redeem the coins

Good. Fuck the zionist allies. The west must die.
Here's to hoping Japan gives them the finger and joins the eastern bloc. Better for their future then trying to cling to the people trying to infect their country with niggers and globohomo and getting eaten by the big blob right next to them within a week of shots being fired. They really do need to examine their geographical situation.

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You serve jews.

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One thing directors at American companies don't understand or care to is that pajeets provide really shitty services. They are trained terribly, slow, overworked, unmotivated, shit programmers, and let's not get started on call centers. They think they're smarter for getting away with paying less by offshoring, but they get a third of what they pay for.
It'd be win-win for America to stop using jeets and for jeets to get outsourced by China.
BTW, India has half the wages of China.

you're too much of a coward to show your flag

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>Hahaha a nigger, chink, mutt of shit, manlet, and poo walk into a bar

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>Bolsonaro, just happy to be there

The corrupt as fuck club

>rise up the lower caste
>lower caste overthrows higher caste
>lower caste continues to be lower caste and willingly becomes new slaves of qin.

what did you think was going to happen?

>flip mutant calling others mutt
>isn't even high enough to see over the bar

I realized this too when I was actually brought to a fluent english person on the tech support,I got that shit done in 3 minutes.
Meanwhile with the pajeets I can talk to for half an hour and no solution will be found.

Based. I'm white, and I support BRICS.
>inb4 no your not
Yes I am, faggot. Believe me or not idc

And the bartender says "Oh, an american!"

>the only way to defeat globohomo is by supporting another version of globohomo
sorry about the brain tumor, user

He singlehandedly pulled you guys kicking and screaming into first-worldhood.

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You. Serve. Jews.

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what the hell is south africa doing?

Anyone with a brain knows that they need an alternative to SWIFT. Otherwise they'll one day be in the same situation as Russia.

Imagine this:

An alliance of Conservative-thinking countries that want to protect their way of life banding together to affirm that they will ban and censor all forms of media that are antithetical to the Conservative view (homosexuality, miscegenation, all forms of progressivism) so that all entertainment companies must first be approved by this collection of countries if they want to ensure they get their audience.

That would fix so many problems, as long as giants like China and India get on board.

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This one big happy family won't last the decade.

I bet my Jewish crimes folder is larger than yours faggot

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Bad morning sir

Third worlders thinking they can into being superpowers just because the West had enough goodwill to outsource literal slave labor to them.

Is there anything more pathetic?

Has India, dare I say, redeemed?

And my dad can beat up your dad.

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The Collective West backstabbed India first