How the Civil War Starts

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this is an insurrection. this is dangerous to our democracy


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we don't have a nation of our own, and haven't for a long time. this government is not our government, and is openly corrupt and treasonous and hostile towards us.

it was 6-3 decision. It wasn't even close

IT'S CALLED TREASON!!!!!11!!!11!11!


based houseki no kuni chad

Maybe conservatives should start acting like responsible, law-abiding citizens if they wanted to be treated like it?

Actually, because Trump was an illegitimate president, 3 of those 6 judges shouldn't count.

Doesn't the New York justice department not accept self defense as a reason to concealed carry? Did she have a straight face when she said that? Everyone knows the actual requirement for having a CC in New York is being rich enough to arrange a lunch meeting with the AG on your own time.

>reasonable requirements
shall not be infringed
Bill of rights. Not Bill of needs.

we need a committee to investigate this day of insurrection by terrorists.

Simplistic bait.

what an absolute joke...why has biden not fixed this yet?

But when you break laws that carry the death penalty, being responsible and law abiding means, you know, hanging you for your horrific crimes against humanity.

Guys, I don’t like the Jews running the government any more than you do but I think she is misinterpreting what he’s saying.
He’s not threatening anything or saying he’s going to ignore the court, he’s saying that they’re committed to enforcing the federal gun laws that are already in place and that this decision doesn’t change that

They already assassinated a justice in 2016, They don't have the balls to do it again so soon after.

I enjoy how the DOJ just openly admits they are a political police force, not impartial enforces of law.
They're the DODNC.

This time it's literally true.

Would be ironic if left wing starts the rebellion, they were such good servants for the last 6 years

Found the retard.

>Would be ironic if left wing starts the rebellion
I wish for this every night before bed.
to see them start it and then realize that throwing bricks and onions lattes aren't enough to take out the people you've been shitting on for so long.
>pleeeeease! I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW!
No refunds.

It is about time someone threw Marbury vs Madison out of the window. Take the Administrative Procedures Act with it.

For the 1,304,569th time.
You want my guns glow niggers? Come and take them. It's just that simple.

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You’re making even less sense than usual tonight, Dunkey. You should clock out for a while because the RoeVWade shilling is going to have you up all night tomorrow

Drag those fuckers out and hang em high.

In other words absolutely nothing if you live in a red state.

Pfft several people need to be hanged. Start with liberals and their cronies.

Can you explain why? I thought judicial review was a good thing that prevented activist legislation. I'm no Constitutional lawyer

Motherfuckers popping erections all over this bitch

The entire GOP and DNC should be hanged

>onions lattes
God I hate this website

>they need to do so for self defense
I'm pretty sure like most places, it was an invalid reason in NY. Kind if the main reason the scotus made todays opinion lol.

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If you haven't been stocking up on food, weapons, and ammo you're going to fucking wish you had been. Make homemade sand bags. Good luck anons.

This is actually it frens.

strap in

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Unelected official should not create "laws".

I agree that is what it sounds like but the DOJ worded it retardedly and they actually mean the opposite

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Never seen so many bots respond to a bot. Sign of the times I suppose. Have a redpill

You're retarded, they don't create laws. That's why you had to put laws in quotes. The only law here is the 2nd amendment.

Well it sure as fuck isn't ours.

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Why are all the most violent cities to live in run by Democrats?