Who wins?

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Nuke Africa


Russia seems (?) to be on top of at least some of their shit, every other country on both sides of this conflict are already fucked from within.
Wouldn't surprise me to hear Russia isn't doing well either, but we have explicit proof every other country is boned.


Who's gonna buy our shit when the west dies?
We're all fucked, let's see some firecrackers at least.

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USApeistan & EURoachUnion already lost you TerrorCHRist tranny

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If by Africa you mean Washington DC I agree

Africa and South America

This shit doesn't matter if you have the most powerful navy in the world. How exactly is China supposed to trade if the US shuts down their shipping if a conflict erupted?

There is no WW3 without nukes, so forget it

otherwise add India, Ukraine(soon), Arabs, Brazil perhaps and wait 10 years, def team red

the jew, as always

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US Navy is irrelevant, a single Kinzhal is enought to take down an aircraft carrier lmao

as how it is going, Russ-china
even if they don't fight the west is already losing by their own hand

China makes all of their shit so its sortve like a dusa vs ta game. West ta can stramroll the bric dusa, but after like a couple of months the dusa is gonna out farm the ta and scale

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Do you think the US is just going send fucking aircraft carriers right into range of anything that could blow them up?

I have stonks on both sides. I want both of them bleed dry.

The ultra wealthy.

the top 1% never send their kids to war, never face hunger, the cold etc.

its always the 99% that get fucked.

as for the whole Chiner is the bag guy, CHINA didnt destroy the middle east, central and south america, the US did.

It's not how this works lmao
the range of khinzhal is over 2000 km and it's launched from a plane and CANNOT be stoped or coutnered
with the invent of hypersonic missiles the whole of US navy becomes irrelevant

If the US + NATO pulled the trigger today, they would win.
If the axis continues to destroy our nations from within for the next 5 years, they will win.