Hypergamy is ethical eugenics

Hypergamy is a good thing. It's ethical eugenics. It is the great filter that ensures only quality men can breed. Men must either be of physical attractiveness or use their IQ to become successful in life in order to get a permit to breed.

It might seem unfair that all women can breed, but their job is to be making babies. If these women are of poor breeding stock then this will pass down to their sons who will get filtered out the gene pool. Over the generations, our race will continue improving as we filter out poor genetics.

Every male who is filtered by hypergamy should be doing what they can for the survival of their race. Either working in the system and providing taxes or joining the army. If you aren't doing your part then you are a race traitor.

Any questions?

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Convincing the mentally ill to voluntarily sterilize themselves instead of sending them to camps to have it done is too. This is why I support the trans shit. Weak people who go along with fads shouldn’t have kids. We don’t need more fucking NPCs.

im filt
> whiteered by hypergamy, heres my stats

> 6'2
> ugly face
> touchless virgin
> work shitty retail job
> still live at home

anons will say this is good im being filtered from the gene pool but then also have a melty about muh white genocide and rage at ethnics and nogs fucking white girls.

man i really fucked my formatting

based and chadpilled

>women will choose the highest quality of men
Lmao, lol

>natural eugenics
sounds based to me

LMAO tell that to the societies that practiced polygamy before the bronze age collapse when the low value males betrayed their societies to outside barbarians in exchange for access to women. ; )

No, alls fair in love and war

>we should let women decide what is eugenic
Here's your eugenics bro.

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>women picking mates
Picking one

You‘re obviously not wrong, but quantity is also quality on it‘s own. Also don‘t complain about the low white birth rates and shitskins outbreeding you.

This assumes that mental illness is genetic and not significantly attributable to experience, or the influence of our current mass culture.

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Your stats:
> 6'2
> ugly face
> touchless virgin
> work shitty retail job
> still live at home
Your hidden passive benefits
>Tall, can fill out your frame
> Ugly face means nothing. Women care a lot more about your shoulders than your face
> touchless virgin = get in touch with yourself, sure, the first few minutes are gonna be awkward but the rest comes naturally (consider paying a nice clean prostitute to teach you the ropes, they get that a lot)
> work shitty retail job? good, most people don't even have jobs. find a hobby you can make extra passive income like woodworking and selling what you make, it will do wonders for your mind body soul (and wallet)
> still live at home? good, most people should. moving out and "making your own way" is a JEW TRAP. I would rather my kids live with me til they're 30 than move out at 18 and become numbers in the kike machine. Do you have a good relationship with your family? If so good. Strengthen it. If not, bad. Strengthen it. This is an absolute boon for any human being.
You don't "live at home". You live where your heart is.

If you could only step back and look at yourself from the perspective of another you might realize what powerful traits you actually possess.

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Africa = polygyny
Europe = monogamy

All you need to know, really.

>insanely low quality ragebait
>1 post by this ID

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I did not consent to contributing to a society that gives me no pussy. I and others like me will make this a problem for as many people as normniggers possible

Will all these children have sufficient parental investment?

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user i know your heart is in the right place but im 26 and still a virgin. I tried for years with dating apps and also irl approaching.

I think ive been rejected by like 20+ irl woman and a lot more online, Height matters a lot less than people think if your face looks like shit. Ive accepted that its over for me but i still like to vent on Any Forums sometimes.

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Okay. But there is no such thing as "quality men". There are particular traits you are selecting for. Those traits are not good or bad, they just do a thing. Thing may be good or bad for certain conditions, but this is another question. So, what traits does it select for?

I've come to adore the bot posters. They fling shit at the wall and we catch it mid air and carve it into a beautiful masterpiece before it can stick.
We might be shit carvers, but there isn't anywhere else on the internet that can so reliably carve masterpieces out of shit, without even getting their hands dirty.

>An Aussie not shitposting for once
Bless you

western used to practice monogamy user, the advent of social media and online dating + destruction of nuclear family has put an end to that tho.

also explains in part the decay of society.

How old are you? It gets easier as you get older. You just aren't quality enough to breed when you're young.

You were filtered weren't you?

lmao for real, the amount of single mothers i see here in my town in the UK makes me think the hypergamy levels are off the charts in the west right now.

26 user

ohhhhh naaaawwwww not again this graph..

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Yeah. Women are the best judges of quality men

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Nein. Listen friend: everyone's face does look kinda good on their bodies; but you need the body to match. How often do you exercise? I do barely any, but I've been blessed with the Achilles DNA. I'm only a year or two older than you, I turn 28 soon, and I was popular in high school, invited to parties, lots of female attention and even gay dudes used to hit on me. You know why? I exude confidence.
When you go up to a woman and talk to her you're doing so in a way that does not exude confidence because you've precluded yourself from the relationship already on the basis of not meeting some sort of criteria in regards to your facial features. This is plainly incorrect.
Get yourself some exercise, go hunting, get some muscle tone. Find outfits you like, jackets, shirts, pants, shoes. You'll find when your entire wardrobe is made up of clothing you like, you'll start to feel more confident in the way you move.
When you have a hobby you love, that provides you with some exercise especially and a little bit of pride, you'll develop yet more confidence.
This confidence snowballs until you become an unstoppable force of pure masculinity of which the sheer sexual gravity just attracts women.
Why do they get attracted? They want to be wanted by you more than you want to go do your hobby. When they spend time around you and you exude confidence, they will literally *rewrite their brains* and start considering *your unique facial characteristics* to be attractive.
Women do this sort of mental gymnastics all the time.
Wait til you do this, then go meet a girl, she tells you "omg you remind me so much of my dad! you even look like him!" and then one day you meet him and you don't look a bar of soap like this old greasy motherfucker and then you realize:
>Holy shit, my (wife, girlfriend etc.) is crazy! This bitch doesn't even know what I look like!

Trust me dude. Life awaits you. You're only 26, stop being gay, get out there, and slay.

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Once again the feminist from Melbourne must pretend to be male for muh feminisms.

I propose a ANZ exchange program where we take both our countries feminists and repatriate them to Africa for nothing in exchange. Total act of kindness on our behalf.

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>Hypergamy is ethical eugenics
This is indeed why men are bigger, stronger, smarter, more logical, emotionally stable and ruthless than women.
> Any questions?
How long do you think women are going to continue to be allowed to choose?

i cannot relate to a single sentence in this paragraph you wrote user, also you said youve had success with woman since a young age. The confidence doesnt spring from nowhere you had positive reinforcement, now imagine you never had any success and youd see how im at where i am.

also my job is physically active so im in somewhat decent shape.

Forever. The men who are filtered lack the IQ to change things. If their IQ was high they'd figure out how to breed