This is the only way forward

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Cool but only if he also shits on israel and jews

We should cancel memeflags and Twitter screencap threads. Never bump this shit anons

He should commit racist acts of terrorism like the left as well.

kinda based. dont know who this is though

yeah, friends of voltaire or no, it’s time to suspend the rules of civilized society until we’re back to having a civilized society.

This. Does he suck Israel's dick is the real question.

nah i'm just gonna stone people to death

Based as fuck.


Sounds based. But I don't know who this guy is. I need a QRD on this dude

He's not wrong. Appropriate response to getting hit is to put the other motherfucker down posthaste.

He said Republican so… yes.

The only way the right is going to win is by embracing "cancel culture" by getting people fired and publicly blacklisted like Jesse is doing.
If you don't want to do that, fine, just don't whine and bitch that conservativism is losing. Change the culture or get the fuck out of the way.

>stopping drag shows in front of kids

Take the W where we can get it, goalpostniggers.

add Trump threads to that and i'm a-ok with it.

>cancel culture
fucking useless, just round those degenerates up and lynch them, alternatively let them face the wall

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Message not messenger

go look him up you lazy faggot.

He said he's "not a Republican". Can you read?

Hopefully this encourages the "new left" to embrace gun culture and we finally get the civil war we desperately need

I think every town square needs a gallows and it needs to be used often enough that people, our elected officials in particular, realise that they might end up there if they fuck about.

he said he is not a republicuck so unlikely.

I've noticed a few perpetual pessimists come here. They're not actually right wing, they're just people with a humiliation fetish. They're attracted to the idea of fighting a losing battle, for some reason.
When the left starts getting canceled, a lot of them will switch sides.


I am on board. It's time we make these commies plat their own game. I want the divide probably more than Jesse. They have no idea what they unleashed

but its all we have

>This is the only way forward
correct, as I stated here not long ago archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/381887942/#381888226

destroy these faggot 50 gendered communist traitor pedophile satanist fucks in any way, shape or form necessary. nothing short of their elimination will suffice, the division has already been completed. it is us or them.

first post truth. cancel culture is ultimately feminine and this guy going around being proud of it is just acting like a gay faggot, but if he actually named them then this behavior could be excusable

We need more and more OF this, and more THAN this. Every time you hear some conservanormie quip that the right "has jobs to go to" in response to massive commie demonstrations, remind him all of our issues are HIS fault and he's a faggot. Fuck the polls, fuck voting your way out, fuck "tending your own garden"; piss and shit on commies in any way you can.

Wake me up when they embrace the only thing that will actually stop these people. God I hate Republicans.

Honestly I'd settle for not sucking kike dick at every opportunity like all the cuckservatives do. You don't have to talk about gas chambers, just be Ron Paul tier on the issue

Actually, you're acting like a gay faggot.
>ooh, yes, so like, he hit back at the enemy... but like, those tactics are kinda gauche, can't we just like, um, say "kike" on Any Forums, or something?

Good point

>Fuck the polls, fuck voting your way out, fuck "tending your own garden"; piss and shit on commies in any way you can.
It'd be so easy to get every leftist fired if people just spammed their bosses with emails about something they posted on twitter. 90% of the time they're just going to shitcan them to prevent controversy if they get enough emails complaining.

You are not manly for refusing to retaliate.

best not be bragging about screwing up one of soros's ops. might find your happy hour full of ms13.

nah fuck that, point out how much money goes to israel and how we could be using that money on our own people

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yeah and what have you done to fuck up a communist pedophiles life lately? nothing? sounds like you're the raging faggot, bitch.

>pwning the libtards ebic style
start calling out AIPAC & circumcision as male genital mutilation & I won't call you a faggot

israel relies on unquestioningly fanatic devotion from cuckservatives to exist. Even being neutral about israel is a death sentence for israel since they entirely rely on massive welfare from us to exist.

I have a funny feeling the federal bureau of intimidation wouldn’t turn the blind eye it has for pantifa. White men are the biggest terror threat now after all.

NOTHING is deleted from the internet
THIS is what you get FOR fucking WITH GOD while he was ALIVE

>Getting shit done is feminine
Rallying the people to a moral cause to insight action is an inherently masculine trait and has been a tactic for war for over 3000 years.

Destroy them by any means necessary, then take their jobs. There is no reason why people who work in schools and libraries should be woke. The transmission of knowledge, history and culture should be a right wing act.

>war against trannies
trannies are a symptom.
jews user, jews are the disease

Fuck off moaning faggots. The one time the right does something closely resembling a tactic that *might* work you start loudly bitching about it.
You're not right wing, you're losers with a humiliation fetish. You *want* to lose. You're a cuckold.