What Happens Here?

Green, beautiful climate, full of WW2 descendant Italians and Germans. Is this a nice place to live?

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Those living around Cape Horn are redpilled on Antartica

Despite being "white" it is a crumbling shithole. Mutt dystopias like Chile, Colombia, Panama and Mexico have much more stable economies.

>full of WW2 descendant Italians and Germans
That's 0,0001% of the population

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The Argentinians had a tremendous misfortune, Argentina has already had its glory days, and its leaders have sunk what would be a Europe in Latin America.

European ethnic composition is more italian than anything else. In fact, they even influenced our dialect to sound somewhat italian, or so it comes across to others.

German, not so much, but it's not negligible.
It's probably something along
5.Other euro ethnicities (and kikes)

Yes, it's a mutt country, there's white people and brown people. Indians, no negroes though.

How do people interact between races? In America it highly depends on region, population and wealth. I have no idea what its like in Argentina. Can a white person survive there or is it useless?

South BR?
Wanna team up with Uruguay and form Roma Austral? We can form a Any Forumstrician class and keep maybe give NPCs a tribune of the normalfags so they don't complain too much

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The Argentinian women I've met have been consistently hot in their own way. That mutt mix breakdown explains the look pretty well. How do you keep the negroes out? Is it too cold or something?

It has better demographics than Brazil but it is a massive shithole, arguably worse than here... and it's going to the shitter very fast.
If you want to move to a place that is not so bad and has "tons of italians and germans" just visit southern Brazil.

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It's more like an advanced globohomo state. Race is largely ignored because there are a lot of "inbetweeners". That said, any sane person still notices most nigger tier citizens, leeches and criminals are of native predisposition.

You can survive. The problem this creates is more insiduous than personal day to day conditions. The country has no marked ethnic identity and therefore no hope for strong unity. Consider it close to fully atomized.

>How do you keep the negroes out?
First step, get a time machine, go back 200 years and genocide the male population by using them as cannon fodder in war (true story). Second step: Have enough of a shitty economy to avoid attracting them, season with relatively weak welfare prospects.

>advanced globohomo state. Race is largely ignored because there are a lot of "inbetweeners".
Interesting. Sounds like a leftist utopian hellscape. I'll have to learn more about your country to see where we're all headed. Thanks, user.

Heh, I'm American so its not like it would be much different than here then. Its good to know, I kind of thought that's how it looked. Surely no unified country would have me anyway, even though I'm a typical white person. I don't blame them either

>South Brazil?
Yep, in the extreme south.
>Wanna team up with Uruguay and form Roma Austral?
This would be funny, all the rural Latin American "countries" united could bring a truly nationalist spirit in our nation's mind, South Brazilians already have a "national" spirit against the the Brazilian Republic.

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> get a time machine, go back 200 years and genocide the male population by using them as cannon fodder in war (true story)
I keked harder than I should have

You Argi are cool, knew a bunch of you through life, warm and funny folk

Goyim don't need to know about it. Get back to work slave and don't ask any more questions about it.

Why you say this

Brazilfren, if I came to Brazil with the intent of exploring parts of the Amazon that humans have never been to would the government allow it?

Probably the Government will help you to discover how bad the Brazilians are with the forest (insert a basedjak here).

Glowniggers are everywhere in the government.

Not quoted but that's a death wish lmao

Allegedly their government is really corrupt, but so is the united states, so who knows what that really means. Also there are places in south america where the level and type of corruption has created a defacto ancap society by way of the government being so ineffective it essential doesnt exist. I think some user needs to go live there and report back to get a full picture.

Uruguay is just as nice and much cheaper. Once I hit 1 million USD I'm moving there to escape the nightmare that is the Jewnited States

Lmao what do you mean?
I would be alright with dying out there. I've always wanted to explore the Amazon, I want to find the city Percy Fawcett was searching for

Cordoba might be the single most beautiful city on the western continents. Exceeds Quebec. and its a former missionary city so high % of christians.