Why are you people against global, one world government...

Why are you people against global, one world government? I mean you need to have that to some degree in order to avoid war and to protect the planet with basic environmental protections.

That's why there needs to be democracy everywhere. There needs to be democracy everywhere and then some kind of global membership state program in a global government.

It doesn't have to control everything you do. It doesn't have to "make you assimilate with africans" or whatever retarded racist shit you rightwingers are gonna tweak out about. It just needs to protect the planet from global threats of WW3 and mass CO2 pollution

Rightoids are fucking stupid, man. Your nationalism is stupid. You're gonna get us all killed. You're gonna have everyone in the world thinking everyone else is an "other" AKA "outgrouper" or whatever, and then your retarded policies are going to result in global thermonuclear annihilation. Or at minimum a slow death from climate change CO2 emissions because you won't regulate them. Stupid asses

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Other urls found in this thread:

supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-1171/116542/20190920143641893_18-1171 Amicus Brief of ISSUES4LIFE Foundation.pdf

NWO keeps them divided or something

Huh? What does this even mean? What is this supposed to mean? Make up your mind. Does "NWO" (your retarded term, not mine) want global government or non global government?

All you have to do is read the books, articles, white papers, etc, of the people in positions of influence and power that espouse global government in order to realize they aren't doing it for mankind's collective benefit. These same people and organizations espouse depopulation, removal of checks and balances, removal of rights, lower standard of living, prohibition of private property, transhumanism, end of privacy and any other totalitarian policy you can think of. You might want to live in that world, but I don't.

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Different people have different needs. Simple as.

newfag lurk more. you know nothing. you're not smart.

That's not real

damn u big mad, sorry you got whooshed

No it's not as simple as that because if one person pollutes the ocean on the other side of the world it affects us too. If one person pumps a ton of CO2 into the atmosphere it affects us too. This is something rightwingers can never grasp with their idiotic "muh state's rights" bullshit (which in every case is literally just an excuse for them to enact laws that abuse human rights at a state level)

>pollutes ocean
the problem is UR an moron

>It doesn't have to control everything you do.

Oh, But it will

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What even is the god damn idea you're trying to communicate here? Jesus christ rightwingers are so illiterate and incoherent

Why do you hate self-determination?

>reddit spacing
need a booster, Maybe time to dilate??

Nah it doesn't have to. If the right believed in democracy they wouldn't be so afraid of this "scary gobernment telling them what to do". I mean the huge irony always is that it's only the right that votes for psycho authoritarianism and controlling everyone and telling them all what to do. #BackTheBlue amirite there guy?

Yeah except Russia right?
>Anyone who doesn't want a bunch of faggots and childless whores running things are not welcome
This is why that shit must never be allowed!

Yes, it is. Don't lie when it literally takes two minutes to show you that you're a retard.

Frederick S. Jaffe was the Guttmacher Institute’s first president, from 1968 (when the Institute was founded as the Center for Family Planning Program Development) until his death in 1978. Among the Institute’s enduring successes during Mr. Jaffe’s tenure as president were its role in helping to create a national network of family planning clinics and its leadership in putting the issue of teen pregnancy on the policy agenda. Some anti-choice activists have attempted to falsely link Mr. Jaffe to coercive population control measures by taking out of context parts of a memo he wrote in 1969. However, Mr. Jaffe’s memo merely summarized various population control measures others had proposed at the time; he did not endorse or otherwise condone coercive measures (the full memo is available here). Frederick Jaffe passed away in 1978 at age 52, in the prime of his career. A 1978 testimonial by then-Congressman James Scheuer (D-NY) in the Congressional Record honors Mr. Jaffe as the nation’s “most outstanding intellectual leader in the field of rational analysis of policies affecting fertility” whose “goal was that every child be wanted, loved, and healthy.”


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lol, lmao even

You just affixed the term "self-determination" for your right to poison the air and oceans. It's not "self-determination" it's criminal shit among the upper classes that the rightwing wants to make legal. Becuase the rightwing exists to be the bootlickers of the upper class

Yeah that's not real dude. No one is trying to sterilize you or depopulate you. That's just fake internet schizo whinging

Yeah CO2 dude it's poisoning our entire society, and all for the profit of a handful of billionaires and privateers. There's no sane reason for it to be continuing except that rightwingers insist it does

>Yeah CO2 dude it's poisoning our entire society, and all for the profit of a handful of billionaires and privateers. There's no sane reason for it to be continuing except that rightwingers insist it does
Cuz rightwingers just are servants of the rich

Lack of redundancy and accountability. Balance of powers is a more redundant system. World government has entropy like every other government so when it inevitably fails it's a massive risk. Whereas if just Russa, or China, or the US fails in a balance of powers scenario, rest of the world can carry on.

There should be a one world government, and that's the Governing Body of Christ Almighty.

Holy cope

Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to

>I mean you need to have that to some degree
go to hell, we've never had that before, why do we "need" it now?

>there needs to be democracy everywhere
yes I know you want all other countries everywhere to have your country's value system and emulate your country in all things. that just isnt how the world works.

There are zero large countries with real democracy meaning that will of the people is listened and implemented so its completely delusional to think there would be a global democracy

That's just an incoherent gibberish of relatively big sounding words strung together to appeal to idiot rightwinger's paranoia

Dude you got a democracy. You need democracy. You gotta vote and make sane decisions for the future of your planet. You live in a globalized society now where decisions made on the other side of the planet effect us here. Sorry but this is just the lamest sort of pseudointellectual tripe you see on the rightwing. And it comes down to not even a matter of opinion, you're just wrong. Plainly wrong

I told you to stop lying, you worthless piece of shit.

“Frederick Jaffe founded what would become the Guttmacher Institute in 1968, after having served as a Planned Parenthood Director and Vice President. Jaffe authored the now infamous memo bearing his name to Population Council President Bernard Berelson, who sought “necessary and useful activities relevant to formation of population policy.” The Jaffe memo includes a table of proposals to curb population growth, including paid sterilization, paid abortion, and adding “fertility control agents” to the water supply. Jaffe names several sources for the proposals, including physicist William Shockley. In 1974, William F. Buckley interviewed Shockley on The Firing Line and asked him about racial differences, to which Shockley responded:”

supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-1171/116542/20190920143641893_18-1171 Amicus Brief of ISSUES4LIFE Foundation.pdf

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>CO2 is......LE BAD!!

>Do the bidding of unscrupulous inhuman morons who only got to positions of power and authority due to nepotism or they'll kill you
>"Rightwingers" are the problem
Holy shit dude. Are you okay?

This is what it all comes down to in the end. You can listen to pseudointellectual tripe like this that's actually incoherent if you want but in the end this is what it's all about. Tarded, paranoid, scared, antisocial rightwingers "clinging to their god and guns" as Obama wisely said

(((They))) had to change the name of "global warming" into "climate change" because they globe wasn't warming. Always use "global warming" on normie discussion sites to remind people of that issue.

Global warming has been disproven multiple times, such as when Glacier National Park had to remove the signs saying that the glaciers will be gone by 2020. However, like with covid, (((they))) move the goalposts so their theory is not falsifiable.

Global warming is promoted by the same kind of people who promote faggotry, lawlessness and White Replacement, and is aimed at deindustrializing the West in favor of China.

It's 100% not real. That is the truth. Don't post fake shit if you don't want people calling it out as not real

Why? Because technology has changed the landscape of human society so that it's not a global thing. And global actions matter. And things that happen in China now effect the US

To the extent that democracy doesn't exist anywhere it's only due to rightwingers

It's just fake retardation, dude. Nobody is trying to depopulate you or sterilize you

I found it perfectly comprehensible. Anyone should be able to easily understand the risk of a global superpower that is not accountable to any rival power, stagnating and growing more corrupt as governments are wont to do. Either you're being deliberately obtuse or you just don't know much about history.

>Why are you people against global, one world government?
I'm not. I just want it under Christ and not Satan. Contemporary globalism is satanic politics.

I believe in a one world government. A one world government ruled by me as the sole dictator. I will hoard all of the world's treasures for myself. I will tell you how to live your lives. I will live in Elysium and send rods of god to show my power. I will be fit and healthy. You will be starving puny and weak. Unable to fight. And unable to think of how to overthrow me. I am your god. And you are all my slaves.

Do you want a one world government now? Because this is exactly how our world leaders think. Humans are domesticated animals that need to be treated like animals. Transhumans will become the new species to rule the world.

Technology has been changing the landscape of human society forever. When the first sailing ships brought spices from Asia to Europe, men might have been saying what you say now.

The idea that your country's political system "needs" to be ubiquitous globally is so head-up-the-ass arrogant it could only come from an American.

I just gave you a source from the Supreme Court's own website and the Guttmacher Institute's website that confirmed that the Jaffe Memo is real. This is only one of many, many sources where the elites admit their plans for global depopulation. I could spam this thread with them if I were so inclined, but you're a fucking retard who's not worth the effort. I just completely embarrassed you. You've lost this argument the moment you tried to claim these sources weren't real when they most certainly are.

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Anybody not saging this thread is as much of a faggot as OP is.

There already is a one world government, dictated through natural laws. It's called nature, and society is retarded.

I don't want to share a political system with brown subhumans. I will support a global government if it promises to kill or sterilize all non-whites.

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Bro your not going to convince him he's not here to debate honestly.