Drug legalization

Drug legalization.
Why does the supposed "party of freedom" on the right want to lock everyone up for doing drugs? Doesn't hurt anyone but themselves. Usually it doesn't even hurt themselves.

I had an awesome drug trip one time in college. Breakthrough DMT trip where I met the DMT elves and the told me I was a space alien who was on a mission to try to heal the Earth, lol. IDK if they were real or just something in my mind but either way it was super cool and I don't understand why rightwingers would want to put me in prison for that?

It's just so hypocritical, you cry about "Freedom" and then try to legislate everyone's reproductive organs, fill our prisons with non violent drug offenders, fund the militarization of the police turning them into a domestic military that herds citizens like cattle, rob us of our right to vote and force us to practice christianity. And you do it all while crying about "Freedom!". It's not "Freedom!" you care about. It's freedom for businesses. Freedom for the rich to oppress the poor via capitalism. You're not actually pro-freedom. You're anti-freedom

You won't even ease up on the marijuana stuff and marijuana is like the least harmful drug ever. Probably even net beneficial and people are still in prison for smoking it because of you psychopathic monsters

Attached: DMT.png (600x563, 842.47K)

And it's weird too because where I'm from in lefty urban coastal elite land, it's considered like a "right of passage" to do serious hallucinogens but rural paranoid rightwing hillbillies wanna lock you up and put you in prison for the rest of your life over it while whining "this is freedom". It's fucking madness, man

Attached: the rightwing.jpg (697x500, 78.56K)

Damn really none of you have anything to say about this? You guys are so fucking lame

Jews need mo money fo dey prisons

What's that even got to do with anything. WTF are you even rambling about. Articulate yourself, you rightwing swine


>Doesn't hurt anyone but themselves
This is extremely retarded. Are you saying having a crackwhore mother wouldn't hurt you growing up?

Sure bruh throw her in prison that'll help the baby. You know you don't even believe the shit you're saying like this. You just want to hurt and oppress poor people. You and everyone else on this site openly advocates for all sorts of mass murders and oppressions of the poor and then when you get an opportunity like this you do fake virtue signaling with this "ooo but what about the babies!" bullshit

>Sure bruh throw her in prison that'll help the baby. You know you don't even believe the shit you're saying like this. You just want to hurt and oppress poor people. You and everyone else on this site openly advocates for all sorts of mass murders and oppressions of the poor and then when you get an opportunity like this you do fake virtue signaling with this "ooo but what about the babies!" bullshit
Everyone on the rightwing too is openly about oppressing the poor and then when sometimes like this comes up they do convenient and fake virtue signaling about "ooooo but what about the babies!". Always the same BS. Meanwhile you're openly advocating for violently kidnapping the kids mothers and throwing them in prison. Oh yeah not to mention cutting any social program that would help them. So disgusting

Not what I said, my problem is with the phrase "it hurts no onbe but them" that's a fucking lie and would only be said by someone who has never met a junkie or is a junkie themselves making excuses. Your degenerate behaviour hurts those around you, stop being in denial faggot.

It is exactly what you said and it's what you're still saying, you just don't want to admit it's what you said because you're exhibiting a naked hypocrisy and it's getting laid bare that you don't give two shits about a single mother or her offspring

I’m for total drug legalization. Then I can go down to Walgreens to get some decent coke that’s not overpriced, and don’t have to deal with sketchy dealers anymore.

Nice strawman retard. I don't think junkies should be in prison, I think manufacturers and dealers should be hanging from lampposts.


I didn't know you specialized in black propaganda against psychedelics.

I want the kind of legalization which enables pharmacies to sell drugs that actually work. But I don't want the kind of legalization that enables reckless degenerates. I doubt we can have one without the other, so I'm prepared to settle for decriminalization.

They'd never apply this to pharmaceuticals, because prescription writing is a huge racket. Even veterinarians are getting in on it. I need a fucking prescription for the flea meds for my cat. WTF. Just so I can get charged for a visit.

>Why does Any Forums xyz?
In all fields

>Breakthrough DMT trip where I met the DMT elves and the told me I was a space alien who was on a mission to try to heal the Earth, lol.
This is why.

We don't need a nation of unhinged space cadets who think they're on some mission to save the world from ???

Also, New Age hippies are just CIA assets to turn the populace into weaklings.

Not a strawman you're just backpedaling now, as rightwingers always do when called out

Also gaslighting because as a rightwinger you do support "the war on drugs". You can say you don't, but you do. You're voting for it and it's inherent to the whole rightwing thing that the poor and disadvantaged will be trampled by the state

I don't think I'm on a mission to save the world. I'm just saying that is a breakthrough DMT trip I had. It was awesome. I don't know if the entities I met were real or not