Listen here Germs

I am a Turk living in Stuttgart Germany and I am 25 years old. Germans are some kind of autistic people
>no humor
>drug addicts
>racist(even if they dont claim)
Mostly boomers sometimes younger people told me I need to go back, but dont say it to me when I am with my friends because we would deal with them easily
>compliant as fuck

Thankfully more Zoomers are leftwing

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why did you leave turkey?

>Thankfully more zoomers are leftwing so they don't send me back to my shitskin shithole

I'm sure Ankara misses you.

Get the fuck out of my city, roach

>I live in the most penny pinching and autistic area of Germany and complain about the autists
At least you'll be able to get a job when costco finally opens there.

Because he is a roach who infests wealthier nations and damages them

Why do you need to be in Germany? You are abandoning your people and abandoning your nation to help a foreign government. Türkiye needs you during these hard times, and your tax money is important.

Kill yourself shitskin. You're a subhuman. You're not equal to whites at all. You're a plague on the earth. Herbs

finally, an honest user.

was born in Germany

>>racist(even if they dont claim)
This, Germans hide behind holocaust shame, but really it feels so coy. I don't even wanna comment, because it's their country.

I think Germany is a lost cause, now with the fuel crisis. It's over. It's gonna be cucked from here on, EU doesn't work, so yeah.

The more I hear from EU cuck officials, the more it reads like propaganda, it's not even a proper political union. It's full of unelected retards.

>he lives in stuttgart

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>compliant as fuck
Well gotta agree on that one, some people resist but still too less.

And I now have more respect for UK for leaving the cuck shit called EU.

Brexit was probably the wildest but the best call for UK. UK is suckered into this cuck union of nobodies, where Germany and France suck your blood dry.

Now Germans have to seethe at Russia

I like the city not the people

If that helps you sleep at night mahmet

At least you didn't forget to turn on your vpn this time, Shmule.

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That's kinda gay, the city makes the people.

OP btfo
Death to kikes

So you’re not a Turk at all. You’re just black in white land like everywhere else. Actually from google street view in cologne you look like fat mexicans

Haha oh yeah. I knew this was copypasta

im not jewish

post foreskin

kill yourself, habibi
