What do conservatives mean by this?

What do conservatives mean by this?


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Why are progressives so obsessed with filming tranny porn?

Checked quints
Fag mountain kike, shite source, shite thread and shite shite.

>nooo trump shouldn't have one because the districts are rigged to vote Red
>yeeeessss republicans must love tranny porn, look at how red this map is!!

VPN nodes don't count lefties, your just finding yourselves.

wtf I love conservatives now

in all honesty though
people masturbate to rape porn that would never inflict that onto someone
people watch BDSM and immediately realize they dont have it in them irl

you can be turned on by femboys in porn while also realizing that children shouldn't be on hormone blockers or learning about them in school

this article treats transgenders (appropriately) as a fetish that republicans should be ashamed of
while also trying to say we shouldnt stop teachers from teaching it

"yes, were going to continue teaching shameful fetishes to kids"

Supply and demand. If conservatives wouldnt demand so much tranny porn, it wouldnt be produced. Why cant you understand how capitalism works?

I wonder why.

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Based fellow Chuchichäschtliposter. American conservatives are fucking retarded compared to ours.

Because they're born (well, their childhood diet makes them) naturally weak and feminine
this does two things:
>makes real work "too hard"
>makes filming tranny porn viable

>trannies who hate conservatives make tranny porn and give it away for free as a favor
I actually can't imagine being this retarded, congratulations.

lol no
we just like the thought of people masturbating to our bodies

The mutts prove how retarded they are minutes after I point out their retardation. What is OnlyFans?

>le mutts
Says the country who is actually built on being a mix of the other three surrounding it.

why are regressives so obsessed with watching it?

>hehe three countries
>America a country built from mixing everyone from everywhere

>I-I'm less of a mutt haha gottem
Why are Europeans so fucking stupid on here? I know they're just pretending because none of the ones I know from real life act like this. It's so embarrassing.

The higher T you are the more you want to dominate weaker men. It's really that simple. The fact leftists don't watch is proof they're low-T

if you honestly think like this you are actually a part of the LGBT+ and BDSM communities, you just haven't realized it yet.

>you hate us because you're just closeted haha
it's all so tiresome

>he thinks the "euros" in the US aren't his fellow fucktarded mutt-kin

that's because progressives are only searching for BBC

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Data from Jewish run tech sites? Seems legit

cis hetero people don't think about dominating same-sex people sexually

you're literally gay if you think about this stuff

>hey where are you from
It's such an embarrassing thread. Why don't you report it so the jannies clean up after you and you can try again later?

>g-go LARP a reddit
>I-i'm not mad, you are
Why would I report a thread that rustles mutts? I habeeb it.

According to you trannies are women though LMAO

there is scientific evidence that trans women are women

there is no scientific evidence that testosterone makes you want to be a gay top

Lot's of the fucking retards you all call "based" are actually pedo's or trannie lovers, the anti-sjw sphere is full of trannie/anime/loli/shota/cp.. but because they say "DrAg kIDs BaD mmkay" you all give them a pass,, they are no better than the people they criticise.

>there is scientific evidence that trans women are women
Like their feminine penis? ROFL

Boomers are also the ones who search the most for "shemale" and tranny porn.. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though

Internet conservatives or real life ones?

It's bullshit. Obvious pysop. They honestly have no way of knowing.


because sex and gender are separate

if you don't agree with this scientific fact, then this fact doesn't care about your feelings you snowflake

because we hate women that much. pussy on a woman is a disappointment.

but yeah trans girls are hot as fuck there's no denying it

all fields

Damn bro you're a good troll, I respect your graft. Keep going on

you're so personally invested in this topic and defensive its obvious that you're trying to mentally justify your love of trans porn
just stop lying to yourself