When each and every one of us dies. God is going to ask us...

When each and every one of us dies. God is going to ask us. "What did you do in your life to spread the cause of Christendom and the power of the Catholic Church?" "What did you do to stop people from committing mortal sins like sodomy and Protestantism on my Earth?" Are you prepared to give an answer?

Attached: Hell.jpg (1000x480, 99.49K)

Give me some good Catholic youtube channels. My mom's addicted to jewtube and culturally catholic but doesn't know basic concepts of the gospel. Although you catholics don't know either so maybe I'm asking too much, kek.

i'll just stay silent and default dance for him

Yeah, God totally handles this shit like a leftist bureaucracy.
What He cares about is that you were moving forward, not backward.
The bible lays it out pretty clearly. There will be no druggies or alcoholics in heaven, no faggots, no cheaters, no demon-worshippers, nobody who tried to undermine God's people: the white race.
He doesn't need to ask what you did. He already knows.

Yahweh is not God, Christcunt

>"What did you do in your life to spread the cause of Christendom and the power of the Catholic Church?" "What did you do to stop people from committing mortal sins like sodomy and Protestantism on my Earth?"

Not a damn thing. I just grilled.

Attached: i just wanna grill.jpg (750x920, 112.49K)

i jerked off a lot, stole, drunk, beat the shit out of people and generally was an asshole.

still believes in jesus

> "thats enough! welcom 2 heaven!"

>That's enough

only in protestantism and vatican ii catholicism.

Attached: protestant logic.png (657x709, 136.29K)

I joined a church and raised a son to know Your word and Your son. My son will forever teach his children that Your son died for our sins. Please, have mercy on me father for I am a thoughtless sinner and my doubts would lead me astray from your flock. Please see my works and remember all the times I defended His name and forgive me for being such a sloth

You were forgiven before you were born user

fuck you nigger faggot

>God "user! What did you do in life?"
>Me "Well, I pooped a little"

i have preached goodness to my brothers and to strangers alike. i have also sinned and felt true remorse for decisions i made that were less than righteous. i have grown to learn that there are greater means of satisfaction and happyness than those derived from sin, and i have learned that the rewards are far more tangible and permanent than the perceived rewards of sinning. being good beyond any single cultures standards is good- beyond any cultures standard.

Respond:"And you?"

I shit on them so hard and exposed their heresy for all to see so much that you had to step in. Next time we need clearer signs, more piety, and less red flags from ‘holy leaders’

He’s not saved because he didn’t eat a cracker and have a dude in a robe say he’s transmitting a prayer to God while splashing some oily water on him

I tried.

love Christ
hate niggers

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Lmao imagine thinking he gives a shit a out that when there's kikes sacrificing kids to Moloch and shit.

I still can't get past what a gullible and brainwashed moron you have to be to buy into that garbage indoctrination

I probably won't be the first, but I'm going to try and punch God for putting me through so much misery.

Catholicism? Only if God loves pedoss