Israel sucks

The more I learn about the "special relationship" between the United States and Israel the worse it gets.

They have been cheating us for decades.

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It really is. They might even have killed JFK.

jfk was one of the worst presidents ever

Fuck you jew.

I never had a thing against Jews until I started debating them about Israel.

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fuck your mom corey

Everything in that quote is true of all broken people: narcissism, sociopathy and psychopathy are just different labels for different amounts of social and ethical failure.

Broken people value nothing except dominance.

the more you look in to it, the more you see how it is so supressed

many of the fuckers in the pentagon (perle, feith, wolfowitz) had been former Israeli spies who had been caught.. Yet they were given promotions and went on to become the architect of the iraq war

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Why should Americans take it up the Ass from Israel? Will the sky wizard punish us if we don't?

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>take it up the Ass from Israel?
america dose not if any thing you have it backwards america uses aid to spread its cancer to israel

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Don't get me started about Iraq. Teh Zionists lobbied hard for that war, lied about Iraqi weaposn of mass destruction and then didn't even show up to the war.

and they are trying to do it again with Iran.

Fucking Jews.

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>and they are trying to do it again with Iran.
ya this one is inevitable as the nuclear talks are at an impasse.

They will fear monger about a nuclear iran and start the war because they know they are screwed if Iran gets a deterence

It's going to be disastrous. Gas will probably go up to 10-20 bucks a gallon once the strait of hormuz is shut down

most of the cost of the ZOG foreign policy agenda is being incurred by the US. Israel benefits while US foots the bill. Iraq being the most obvious example. 6 trillion dollar war.

>Israel benefits
how by haveing to give up land?

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Said the Iranian shitskin.

Oh noes... I should rush right off to die while the IDF stays home and the Israeli government sells American military technology to China.

Show your location flag you welfare cheat.

>this one is inevitable
I genuinely don't see how the USA could drum up enough support to invade Iran. 9/11 was a one time deal. Short of Iran nuking Washington D.C. it just won't happen.

Nope. I am white guy from Iowa who is sick of Zionist bullshit.

But you.. you're a Jew aren't you..

Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons, and if hey ddi actually make some they don't have a missile capable of reaching the United States.

Fucking anti-semite

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So not wanting to be cheated and back stabbed makes me an nti-semite.

That says a lot about Jews doesn't it..

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Nobody is getting a good one for the harm that the Capitol is the future in a town that is all about the Confederacy or the other side that is one thing to get a job in a society where they are not mexican people that appear to be a woman who has been in a town that is all about the Confederacy or any of the women are built in the kitchen.

B-but muh biblical prophecy

Extra virgin organic pilpul