Cuts gas tax for all Americans even the magalards

>cuts gas tax for all Americans even the magalards
You're welcome

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>18 cents

> even magatards
*especially* magatards

wow, that whole 5 dollars a fillup is life changing.

Taxing gasoline in the first place is fucking retarded, it literally impacts the price of everything.

If Trump did it you'd praise him.
You guys are just political hacks with a "my team" and "their team" mentality. Just admit it.

*especially* literally everyone, mental child.

>all the roads fall into to total disrepair in 2yrs because no money because no tax revenue
You're welcome

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if Trump did it, he'd still be an orange jew.

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I wish everyone in the UK death including you Paki scum

if trump did it you would be here seething about orange hitler :D

>laufs in fucks ur kid

Just. Admit. It. Hack.

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Hey that's cool but it doesn't address the reason why the prices went up to begin with. Taking 18 cents off the pump is only going to make things worse because dumbfucks who can only think in the now will slurp up more at the pump forcing the companies to raise their prices even more before completely bottoming out. istfg everything this old fuck touches turns to shit.

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Orange Jew cock sucking nigger*

Anyone remember this white house tweet? Now we're getting the 2022 version of it.

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18 cents, bitch!


"cuts" (((gas))
fuck off

Admit that this country has been owned and operated by jews for 100+ years to the benefit of absolutely no one worldwide but the jews?

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Despite the shitshow taking place here in Georgia, I'm glad that our state government had already done this back in March. It still sucks seeing gas prices go up, but our gas price situation has been more fortunate compared to other states.
I do hope that the revenue shortfall gets addressed down the road or else we'll replace one problem with another.

USA is the perfect country for Jews yes.

>If Trump did it
Trump didn't more than double the price of a gallon of gas, Biden did.
Trump didn't sleep walk us into the brink of WW3 with Russia, Biden did.

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Gas was already cheaper than at any time since 9/11 under blumpf.

blue soft targets are going to be disemboweled and hung screaming from their still dripping entrails like progressive liberal marionettes, just admit it

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Trump had intended the deferred Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes to have been suspended by Congress, but they never gave it to him during his last months in office. Likewise, you're going to see some resistance in Congress with this proposal from both sides for different reasons.

And it had nothing to do with blumpf

you're a weird guy, user

>fails to pass congress

The media was sucking their cock for a $0.16 cent decrease on 4th of July cookouts when compared when Trump was in office. They’re pathetic