Breaking! evidence of fraud in Arizona after audit

The GSA letter giving Biden transition funding seems to have been a fucking fake, it doesn't even follow the GSA's style guide and is written like a personal letter discussing pets and saying she's NOT being forced to write it (what the fuck) I'd screencap this but it's too fucking long just scroll through it and click 'more replies' or whatever at the bottom to see all of it Holy SHIT

dems exposed

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the election theft was an intelligence operation along with the totally organic riots and jan 6 'insurrection'. zero chance democrats pulled this off on their own.

yeah its hopîum
picrel transpired during maricopa audit
200.000 invalid votes

Attached: nothing to see here.jpg (442x332, 22.08K)

Certainly not. They are mostly idiots. This was managed by their financial backers, who have no rules of ethics to worry about. Names like Soros, Wexner, Saban etc and their Mossad and 5 Eyes intelligence allies.

tl;dr Jewish gangsters did it. Same as JFK.

the capitol doors didn't open themselves and pallets of bricks didn't magically appear at riots, it was coordinated by state actors who needed an outcome. of course money and useful idiots are needed to pull it off but the operation demands careful planning which is what feds do.

Joe Biden is on Trumps payroll

>still pushing audit shit two weeks after the election


>still posting this meme after 3 fucking years
Please spare us your fucking cope threads.


Can someone explain why voting software needs to be more than like 5 lines of code max?

Has it been 2 weeks already?

the machines scan ballots, that alone takes more than 5 lines of code

Serious question. Just what the fuck was the conclusion to AZ's audit?

Wow! Dems exposed! This will surely lead to mass arrests and a civic uprising! It totally matters ans wont just be labeled "dangerous conspiracy theory" by the media and considered false by more than half of the US population! Keep EXPOSING THE DEMS, you based conservative you. It's really going to help root out the underlying issues and not just resemble some twisted political game of wack-a-mole.

This thread is so useful.

That fraud happened.

You don’t need anything more powerful than a 1990s scantron

Two more weeks

Nobody knows. They said they were finding shit and then... Poof... It all went quiet.

Lindell was going to give reports and then flaked. It's the same old shit. People got paid off or scared off.

What am I looking at here

bidens lead increased

Chad Wolf is emporer of the US. The continuity of government protocols were enacted after the foreign assisted fraud of 2020. FEMA is running the show.
This is a controlled demolition of DS assets.
That's why the letter is fake, office of the president elect, no SS or AF1 for imagination. No VP residence. It's all a show

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