Why has the Right not won any meaningful political or cultural battles in centuries?

Why has the Right not won any meaningful political or cultural battles in centuries?

Attached: evolution doesnt exist.jpg (594x675, 55.2K)

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>2000 more yeras, muh second cumming, praise rabbi yeshua!!!!

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Politics is not real, it is a false dichotomy, wherein the few genuine people are drowned out by useful idiots and shills. you either work for the company store, are a useful idiot on a leash, or you are on the outside looking in. most of those "republicans" in congress hate you.

Because it's shackled to the corpse of Christianity.
Only a revival of native European religion can save the right from being swamped by mutts.

>in centuries
You clearly are retarded, faggot

because the left just uses force and is willing
to burn down their own cities just to get their way

because theyve failed to convince people to join them, also most ppl are degens so changing their mind is alrdy harder. you have to appeal to moderates, and kinda open up your party, the right wing is kinda exclusionary

Attached: mentalillness2.jpg (640x772, 57.01K)

Can you explain further?

you got it backwards, they can use force because people in power allow and encourage them to
what happens right now in the US is their version of Cultural Revolution that took place with Mao's approval



Christianity: The Great Jewish Hoax

Christianity: A Religion for Sheep

Charlemagne: Defender of the West or Servant of the Jews?

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins

Christianity: Judaism for the Masses

The Pope that Drank Children’s Blood – Pope Innocent VIII

Why people of European descent must reject christianity.


Christian cultural appropriation

The Origin of God’s Word & the Destruction of Pagan Libraries

Destruction of the Library of Alexandria by Christians

Christian Atrocities: Centuries Of Pagan Persecution

A Fabricated jewish Hoax: The Existence of Rabbi Jesus Not Substantiated By Historical Evidence

Attached: christurds-are-retards.png (1003x607, 241.26K)

>wrong to put faith in man, correct to put faith in imaginary friend
christians are jews

help me rabbi yeshua

>Only a revival of native European religion can save the right from being swamped by mutts.


Attached: christianity-is-jewish-cringe.jpg (750x816, 143.7K)

south africans are being genocided in brutal horrific fashions

Why the memeflag tho faggot? Only thing you do is covincing others youre a kike

because the media and institutions are controlled by jews and normies norm.

Points at Christianity for hoax yet disguises his flag.
Projection and many such cases with children of the lie

kikes still seething after 2000 years

conservatives are bigger faggots than actual faggots

>1 post by this ID loaded question bait thread
>retards are guaranteed to keep it on the catalog until it hit bumps limit

Sage, you fools. Even better, grab a VPN, any VPN, and shit up trannypol every time you see a thread like this.

because many on the right have an "all or nothing" mentality. the right wing has plenty of divisions within it: liberal conservatives, paleoconservatives, traditionalists, nationalists, libertarians, christian democrats, christian fundamentalists, monarchists, theocrats, stratocrats, fascists, national socialists, etc etc etc.
If the right were to unite and further the goals it all mostly agrees on, it could actually get things done. but compromise is impossible among the right. You ask any Libertarian to work with a Nationalist and they start making demands of each other that they know the other will never agree too and then throw their hands in the air and let the Left run roughshod over them.
the Right needs to adopt more political pragmatism to get anything done. if not they're not even an obstacle to the Left, just a loudmouth standing on the sideslines while the Left wins race after race

these posts brought to you by enemies of the right causing divide and conquer

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Basically this.
Yikes imagine flowing jesus.
Simply imagine.

I am sickened that you do not include these jesus stories.

What is there to day
2016 retarded sheep joins the cult of personality of Trump.
2022 retarded sheep joins the cult of personality of long dead jewish rabbi.

Nothing changed.

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>christ is king

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more yeras, muh second cumming, praise rabbi yeshua!!!!

Everyone (especially zoomers) needs to watch this.
Any day now a magic jewish rabbi is coming to save us all, any day now, any day now.

This is literally the ultimate poison.

Religion is poison. Atheism is the only way.

Attached: May-21-Billboard.jpg (640x361, 39.7K)

pretty much this. the party has nothing to run on at this point other than muh stolen election and muh tranny bathrooms and their only real supporters remaining are Qboomers and contrarian retards. hate on opticsfags all you want but that's why we lost the culture war in 2020. I'm a redpilled conservative and even then I didn't vote for Trump in 2020 after seeing how retarded and incoherent his presidency was. What makes you think your average normie moderate watching mainstream news is gonna vote for Trump?

Attached: Sam Neill taken hostage by proof of election fraud.jpg (460x460, 29.38K)

Conservatives support the increasingly unpopular economic establishment. This is a terrible position if you want the growing youth and poor votes.

Internal cockblocks
>Let's overcome the impasse by renewing culture
Traditionalists sabotage it
>Let's use the advantage of force
Bourgeoise fags sabotage it because it would cause an inconvenience
>Let's pursue separatism and redefine our own civilizational path
Nationalists sabotage it