Is Russell Brand doing a good job of redpilling young lefty normies?

Is Russell Brand doing a good job of redpilling young lefty normies?

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his alright

>redpilling young lefty normies
That's impossible.

>What is a woman?
>What is corruption?
They just ignore you when you ask questions like this

Or say 'meds'.

he has over 5 million subscribers so he is saying something that people want to here.
i don't watch him a lot but what iv'e seen isn't to bad.

I watch his stuff until he starts blaming capitalism.

Morrissey redpilled Russell Brand.

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Doing a better job than most. Also you can’t redpill young lefty’s their brains are melted.

he's doing too much redpilling. his views went from like 3m per video to 500k per video.

for an average Any Forums user he's saying shit that's like 16 months old. for a regular normie he makes 3 videos a day about the same tired bullshit.

i think he fucked up and watered down his message. we get it davos/WEF are bad guys who want you to eat bugs. very surface level shit from forever ago.

when I listen to him I like to close my eyes and pretend I'm getting my boots polished by a dickensian shoe shine boy who talks too much


He is making mad stacks. All talk, no action though. He wouldn't physically help anyone.

Hes a 33 globohomo wolf in sheeps clothing.
You are warned

the problem is that they just don't care how corrupt the leftist establishment is. they fell for it hook line and sinker. they chose their side, and they'll have to live, however brief, with the consequences.


t. Everyone's a fed, the musical poster

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This is another part of the problem. Leftists are so steeped in the cognitive dissonance and brainwashing of their cult that they literally cut off anyone who presents anything contrary to the approved narrative of said cult. Every piece of behavior coming from the left is classic brainwashed cultist behavior. Say what you will about how "fanatical" trumpers are (I'm not one, but much of my family and social circle are), I have not lost a single one of them as a friend just for having an opposing viewpoint, and in fact they welcome discussion, whereas I don't speak to a single one of my leftist friends anymore because they all secluded themselves and insulated themselves from everyone who disagreed with anything they were told by the establishment to believe.

he has to water it down, you tube demonetizes them or take's the videos down of anyone who doesn't.

never watched any of his shit, just assumed he was a faggot socialist because of his haircut

Nobody cares about that shit, zoomers like zoomer celebrities. Tik tok and Hasan and whoever played spiderman in the latest marvel movie. Russel Brand is too old.

breddy much. And dont do much music these days, more or less planning