Average chud here on Any Forums with Naruto and Attack on Titan education who has isolated himself thinks he is smarter...

Average chud here on Any Forums with Naruto and Attack on Titan education who has isolated himself thinks he is smarter than a globalist who has devoted his life to studying history, geopolitics, psychology,finance and econometrics and is manipulating people on a daily basis.

Let that sink in.

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>is manipulating people on a daily basis
Why waste time on other people?

I studied history and cultures before i was racist. It made me racist. Also floch was a chad and eren was right. Ignore 139

You may be the finer of the bunch but still no match to a globalist. Also is racism is primaly driven therefore you are small minded

gas the kikes

Globalists want to get rid of different cultures and nations under the guise of "peace" and "equality". You merely want slavery with a new name. You my friend are pathetic. And you are destined to lose.

The globalists are idiots with retard strength through finance. Their running dog and think tank faggots are morally corrupt. Sanity among their ranks would mean that the warm wing of white supremacy embraced the whole planet, but as you can see, it's in a fucking state atm. America is a den of kikes and idiots.

They don't send their best that's for sure.

Many of the types that you describe are very competent in certain ways, but they have fundamental bugs in their base code. They are like cartographers that are experts at geography but operate under the assumption that the planet is a cube.
Or they are selfish and just don't care beyond financial gains, and act in the moment without responsibility or foresight.

They wouldn't need to saber rattle, if they weren't threatened.

I had to guess Any Forums will start to cope by accusing globalists of being incompetent, yet the world is still going to shit according to their crafted plan

Have you even showered today?

not only am i none of the first three, but im also all of the proceeding. get fucked stupid nigger

Yes, I am. But I dislike anime and manga.

Of course you are. Did you shower yet, neckbeard?

I'm coming go latvija soon
Riga and some rural parts gonna do a larp with friends in a nazi tank and stuff
It's gonna be cool
I've heard people are gonna be racist towards me but it's fine is that true latvian bro

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the current generation of globalists are fucking retards that inherited their power from their non retarded grandfathers.

I don't think they really studied all of this. Globalism is a cult and having too many knowledge is not good for them.

I’ll have you know that I have a Gundam and LotGH education good sir.

hit the showers. hit the weights. get a clue.

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Why did that happen to him?

I always thought that was a fake video made in blender

>Attack on Titan

Zoomer anime is clearly horrible, but don't kid yourself that glibalist 'leaders' don't get their direction from revisionist history, internationalist politics, money printers and big data stakeholders.

is this real?
I've never seen it before.
It's eerie how that guy's bones disappear.