Wednesday Night Aus/pol

Who decides what constitutes as hate speech?

Why are groomers projecting onto the right?

Why does the left lie about literally everything including their own gender?

What's for dinner cunts?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Freedom is more important than diversity, even if you value diversity, you must acknowledge this.

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There is no based state. Vic is just the whipping boy for au/pol/ the majority of the time. Queensland zoomers are just getting some of their own medice after managing to vote in 2 greens, something no other state has ever achieved. Its especially noteworthy seeing as they love calling themselves chads.


>there is no political solution
>race and religion are for low IQ cunts
>United, we must work in a single global coordinated strike against the Khazarian system
>Tools such as, but not limited to: MKUltra - must be reengineered and utilised against the enemy

Attached: Ian Brown..jpg (791x578, 70.75K)

>White dogs banning our art

Attached: Koori 'Kreutz.png (1600x900, 51.87K)

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how can we get heaps of these shitskin cunts done under the law due to having a similar looking logo?

Attached: aussie end it all.gif (420x405, 3.21M)

let the memes flow

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Requesting whitepills because i'm blackedpilled as fuck about the future.

Attached: 1655633591611.png (699x518, 324.75K)

Is this a good laptop?

Attached: Next Pope.png (762x768, 911.82K)

They made a point of saying it doesn't apply to any of them.

There is no fuckjng hope.

>Requesting whitepills
Most murders go unsolved


Why are they so obsessed with the swastikas? Do they think a New National Socialist party wouldn't just pick a new symbol? These old Jews are fucked in the head. The more they push this shit the more people see them for what they are. People often meet their fate on the path they take to avoid it.

It's just virtue signalling, nazi bad bullshit andrews can point to later

(half heiled)
>meme the epitome of the all bark no fucking bite retard big for nothing weak cunt cum skin into the middle of next week
that clip was fucking pathetic. i skipped to the end, and i have to say i wasn't surprised when, that's right, (You) guessed it, there was zero violence. we're not going to make it, lads

Attached: that face you get when you do nothing.png (665x600, 326.97K)

Society is better than ever!
Society is deeply damaged and needs fixing!
Society is fucked and cannot be fixed. It's too late!
Society's collapse is necessary for rebirth and renewal, and is part of a cycle.

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Stfu with your tranny pills.
Matrix was an Allegory of the Cave (dilate).