/NZG/ erly bake edition

le snack is officially discontinued :(

its seem like at least here in New Zealand the government is making them self ready for a new pandemic, they openly discussion a need for lockdowns for future covid variants. ((our lady)) was seen leaving black rock headchorthers in NY, and biden has has said there migth be a second pandemic ( I do not know how old this clip is) are we being programmed bros?

> ((our covid guy)) saying we potentially need more lockdowns


> ((our girl)) leaving black rock in NYC

twitter.com/JamesMelville/status/1533026507266101248?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1533026507266101248|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https://www.redditmedia.com/mediaembed/v5a7z8?responsive=trueis_nightmode=false (embed)

>Biden rambelings

[Streamable] 1539338816472993795 (2) (embed)

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Is New Zealand the Canada of Oceania? You guys like to be a pain in the ass for Aussies don't you?

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is america the africa off the world?

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wtf I love le snacks that sucks
Anyway Cindy went on radio Hauraki this morning, ugly cunt, and all she talked about was how we have a "shortage of nurses", like yeah cunt you mandated hundreds of them into oblivion
then it was "we need more immigration to get more nurses xD"
fucking cunt
been spammimg shit to hauraki all day, pic related

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Not at all we love our Australian brothers. Except when they are underarm bowling 501 deporting kangaroo fucking cunts.


I'm surprised they didn't read your text out on air.

>le snack is officially discontinued
They were a fucking ripoff anyway. The "cheese" tastes like shit too. Good riddance.

it was cardboard mate, but good cardboard at that..

might be a bit early for a bake, I haven't even found the shower yet

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So is everywhere in the north island pozzed now? I thought it was just Auckland.

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>wtf I love le snacks
>that sucks
Surely you mean "that le sucks"

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Fuck this country is gay

r U A BOT?

Fun covid fact: 121(94.5%) of the last 128 covid related deaths have been in the "fully" vaccinated/boosted. I'm so glad I did the right thing and rolled up my sleeve for my whanau and grandma. Imagine how much worse it would be.

now where did u get those numbers from dissident?

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Who here moving out of the country?

Just waiting for my passport to get renewed and then I'm fucking out of here! No idea where but probably somewhere in Latin America.

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It's gay as fucking boys in the ass!

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Anyone know why my posts don't show up on 4channel? Says 'post successful' but they don't actually get posted.

You are probably shadow banned.

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