
He's going to be the first president in almost thirty fucking years to sign a new federal gun control law into existence. Bravo!

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And the first president to shit himself amongst foreign dignitaries

All because some glowies shot up some niggers and kids. Notice how the mass shooting suddenly slowed down now?

Thanks Joe. Trump was ready to take the guns early with no due process at all whereas Biden is having it go through a judge to make sure everyones rights are still assured

Buy the dip!

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and yet nothing will change, people will be as crazy as ever thanks to his intensified diversity.


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What is bump stock restrictions after Las Vegas shooting then user?

B-but there was a shooting at that juneteenth unofficial thing in DC

New gun law will not get guns out people’s hands, it is ineffective. Meanwhile, Chicago will keep killing itself. You have no reason to be crowing.

Not a law passed by Congress. Do you really need to be told that?

I really don't even Carr none of those laws effect me except maybe red flag but if I can hide my power level I should be OK.

What bothers me is him shutting down lake city

I always fucking knew they would backdoor it by banning ammo, banks banning firearm transactions on credit, etc. I just hoped it wouldn't come at such a time. But it makes perfect sense.
Fuck the economy to death and Jack up the price of guns and gun accessories.

>He's going to be the first president in almost thirty fucking years to sign a new federal gun control law into existence.
So what are all the allegedly pro gun Mobys going to do about their "gun control only gets enacted under Republicans" talking point?

I sure hope those felons don't go breaking those new laws.

>Gun Control Act of 1968 signed by Lyndon B. Johnson
>Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 signed by Bill Clinton
>Whatever this is called signed by Joe Biden

Only Democratic presidents produce new, major gun safety laws!

Not sure what you're trying to say here but Reagan definitely passed one

I know. The point is that a major psyop tactic of the pro gun control progressive is to act as a Moby. A Moby, named after the faggot musician Moby, is someone who goes into their political enemies spaces in real life or online, pretend to have the same politics, but start introducing subversive talking points under the guise of their enemy's politics. E.g. "I'm a conservative gun owner/hunter and I'm pro 2nd Amendment BUT I don't see a need for salt rifles/hand guns/hi capacity clipazines etc."
It's in the same tool box and used by the same people who use forum sliding, consensus cracking etc.

>Not sure what you're trying to say here but Reagan definitely passed one
Reagan signed the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act which significantly reigned in the BATFE. What you're thinking of is the Hughes Amendment to the FOPA which was passed on a voice vote, likely illegally, and was meant to be a poison pill by the Democrats. If you think the BATFE today is bad with the retarded shit they do, the BATFE of the years between the 1968 GCA and the 1986 FOPA make the GayTF of today look like honest, upright, Constitution upholding Americans.

No, not really. Reagan's presidential administration did not bring about any new gun control laws of significance. He signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act in 1986.

It wasn't until Clinton got in we got the Federal Assault Weapons Ban and the Handgun Violence Prevention Act ("Brady Bill").

>Still shilling for this incompetent senile pedo in 2022
Low effort thread. Now fucking kill yourself.

I like ice cream

And criminals will continue buying stolen guns, shootings will continue happening in gun free zones, and you won't be any safer because judges refuse to keep the people misusing them in prison.

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>string of completely coincidental mass shootings every day for like a week
>RINO faggots cave and sign on to gun control
>mass shootings immediately stop
All of politics is theater. Shit's so fucking gay.

But I'll be on the right side of history lol

pretty sure trump signed one into law, something about bump stocks

>The most kiked, anti american, anti white president in at least 30 years
Uhhh ok, I'm not sure what has to be wrong with your defective tranny brain to think that's worthy of applause.

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Jesus this board is dumber than I thought. Do you not know what legislation and "signed into law" means? Trump did not make a new law.

>Not a law passed by Congress. Do you really need to be told that?
Wow that really makes the difference!

>Wow that really makes the difference!
It actually does because even though the prog/libs/cathedral here will leverage soft and hard power to get what they want, too many of them believe too much in the process.