School tells you communism is evil

>school tells you communism is evil
>media tells you communism is evil
>politicians tell you communism is evil
>"i fucking hate those evil communists! this makes me such a bold and original thinker!"

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are you retarded? nowadays school is telling you that communism is great.

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>school tells you communism is evil
Stopped reading there

Every communist I’ve ever met was a completed asshole, and also super materialistic

school told me communism was "alright"
media tells me it's fantastic
billionaires love it
politicians endorse "socialism"
and yet, all of these things hate fascism.

because it's the only think that can stop them.

Wake up grandpa its not the cold war anymore, communists are held in a pedestal a little bit below fags and niggers in todays society

>school tells you liberalism is good
>media tells you liberalism is good
>politicians tell you liberalism is good
>"i fucking love liberalism! this makes me such a bold and original thinker!"

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Are you fucking retarded? I was brainwashed with "Stalin killed 100 trillion babies, every time Communism has ever been tried it caused nothing but gulags and starving and death camps" without stop in school, starting back in middle school.

Cool I wasn't around then. I grew up into a world where people embrace Marxism.

good school. All I heard about was blacks, native americans and the lolocaust

In Australia we have elected politicians who are openly communist and call themselves marxists. They're all women.

School told me Stalin was the Antichrist who killed twice the Soviet Union's population just out of demonic evil.

Media tells me the "evil" socialist Assad is "massacring his own people", that Cuba and Venezuela are "brutal dictatorships" that "oppress" their own people, meanwhile Saudi Arabia is "slowly reforming" and thus deserves US support

Billionaires are so scared of communism, they spend billions brainwashing people with shit like PragerU, which constantly regurgitates Cold War anti-communist propaganda

Politicians in the US all hate socialism with the exception of like 3 mild social-democrats

Fascism never stopped any of them. Fascism was always funded by Big Business to crush the left, the only actual threat to their interests.

>Mom tells me one thing
>have to do opposite

Stop lying. How do people "embrace Marxism" where you live?

Communists lack Christ

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School never taught me it was evil and I grew up in a Red state

>Cuba and Venezuela are "brutal dictatorships" that "oppress" their own people
but they literally are.

Communism is christcuckery without Jesus

Ah fuck, you people always have christianity living rent free in your minds 24/7 dont you? For fucks sake keep a thread on topic

School, the media, and politicians all praise communism.

Whatever jew

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Hit a nerve did I? Go kneel down to a nigger you cuck

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No one is cucking to you rotten heathens. We will wipe you clean off the face of the earth

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Life long socialist Bertrand Russell said:

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Blacks make tremendous Catholics

Attached: Catholic Africa .jpg (720x604, 164.73K)