NS South Africa

Make it happen, boys.

Save your people and rekindle the movement.

Attached: afrikaner-resistance-movement.png (2560x1536, 70.1K)

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Give me one good reason that South Africa should belong to white people.

I will if you give me one good reason that Sudanese people should be relocated to Australia?

White people built it. Out of nothing.


Attached: 14-Words.jpg (1024x1024, 306.5K)

Damn right.

>Do something when you're 6% of the population
Fucking hell user did you actually believe in accelerationism?

people here aren't willing to fight for their own country, why the fuck they'd go all the way to south africa to fight a pointless fight.

Attached: europeans-vs-africans.jpg (468x468, 43.75K)

They're willing to do it for Ukraine

Ukraine is a completely different issue. Ask someone to fight for globohomo and with enough propaganda they will but ask then to fight for race, most will scoff at the idea.

moving the goalposts, user

umm... how? fighting for some white supremacist group is way different then fighting against imperialism, also most people you see going to Ukraine are lefties who are just going there to get internet points. For race war you need right wingers

They dont have guns tanks and air support anymore user. Its niggers that own all that stuff now.

All you said was that people wouldn't be willing to go all the way to another country to fight a "pointless fight"

Ukraine war is not as pointless as fighting for white superamacist would be. Can you really go on MSM or any other social media and convince people that this fight is worth fighting?


>Ukraine war is not as pointless as fighting for white superamacist would be
You're right, fighting for Ukraine is far more pointless

The Rhodesians didn’t have any of that either

Luty proved firearms can be made easily.
>expecting nogs to operate tanks and air in any meaningful way
>1st Armored Division
>Nickname: "Cape Town Blastas"
>Motto: "We finna put a shell in these Boer's asses!"

Terre'Blanche did nothing wrong. All he wanted was to protect his people, and then he got murdered by niggers.

probably the best vid ever made about him: files.catbox.moe/uupxvz.mp4

Those fags buckled with the first signs of resistance.

Pointless to you or me perhaps but not to the majority population is my point.

Is SA like everywhere else where the biggest obstacle to doing anything good is cucked whites?

user all of what you're saying is true but you didn't bring any of this up in your "pointless fight" post and that's why I said you moved the goalposts

yea, I mean arguing on Any Forums is kinda pointless anyway, also just wanna let you know that you were arguing with a nigger (unironically)