Is Trump going to prison?

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No. Rich people suffer no consequences.
Get back to work. Give him more money.

No way putting an ex president in jail opens a whole can of worms that no politician America wants

He should for wimping out on Jan 6

Mean tweets aren’t a crime


Remember what the Capitol looked like on January 6? Think of what the jail would look like if Trump is arrested.

I don't care. They probably will just drag his face in the dirt until no one wants to vote him if he tries again. Similarly minded people also receive the Democrat's message:
>if you don't bend over right now, I will rape the citizens instead and say you did it


There is an old saying that states when you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you. This is very much true in politics and especially in the legal world.

They can't touch Trump without opening up them selves to serious legal trouble, like the kind of that ends in the gallows.

You can't actually think that would happen

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He will be reelected while in prison and pardon himself.

He'll run for it.

Do you really want the Right without a leader in this current timeline? I ask you

Just to visit hilldog

He's going to WH.


No, he will return to office soon!
Every knee shall bend to Our Great President Donald TRUMP
Q foretold of his greatness
He will rule us again!!!
We shall live in peace under the pure love of TRUMP

No. The Justice Department would have busted him by now. These hearings are nothing but a PR move for Democrats. Nothing has been presented yet that can charge Trump with anything.

Lol are you fucking stupid?

Its proven now, without a doubt that
1. Everyone around trump told him the election fraud claims were false, including his statistics team and all of his advisors.
2. He chose to lie about it anyways

>1. Everyone around trump told him the election fraud claims were false, including his statistics team and all of his advisors.
Doesn't matter if he still believed he really won. And all this shit has been known for months and months and months (it was reported Barr told him this before he resigned as AG)
If this is their "smoking gun" then why did the Justice Department do nothing with it? (and still continue to do nothing with it?)

This, but unironically.
They KNOW he will win 2024 which is why they are shitting himself and shilling the J6 glowie non-event that literally no one except Rachael Maddow fans care about. Even niggers know they were better off under Trump. Biden's approval rating with Hispanics is 26%. Things aren't getting any better in the next 2 years. Democrats have NO ONE else to run.
The Orange Man will return and the salt that will be mined will be remembered in history books for ages.

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>Everyone around trump told him the election fraud claims were false, including his statistics team and all of his advisors.
Oh yeah his "trusted" team

No he’s going to the White House in 2024

Yes in 2 weeks

I'm starting to think we have reached the point where all pretences are off and the commissars are getting restless to start gulagging kulaks.

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