These people really want white people kneeling to them

This is from World of Warcraft twitter, Blizzard started catering to niggers and fags 5 years ago. Now a lot of mentally unhinged niggers started playing the game and these fags are eating up the whole pozzed community cause other whites aren't kneeling to them.

This is how they feel in commiefornia, they unironically think whites everywhere should step aside and bow down to niggers.

Attached: Hhvvv.jpg (1080x1817, 401.66K)

A blizzard employee called out these niggers being ridiculous af when they gaslit another faggot into unknowingly following a right wing wow account and shamed him publically for it, the faggot in question refollows everyone that folllws him back and he didn't check the profile.

Attached: Tyhhv.jpg (1080x864, 210.33K)

Now I know what you're saying, who gives a shit. Its interesting to pick up on how these people behave. I dont give a shit about WoW, its just the way these entitled niggers behave like monkeys crying to worship them when their fee fees got hurt.

Attached: Cgvvvb.jpg (1080x1728, 280.57K)

Quite possibly the worst post I’ve ever seen on pol. Never start a thread again new fag

>World of Warcraft
all are dead entities...microshit acquisition won't help either. also, if you're over 18 stop playing videos games and do something more productive like killing chuck schumer and any rothschild anywhere near the atlantic ocean. no, not in minecraft, for real

I was gonna say, just ignore them, but it is necessary to observe the enemy and know who to see as evil and dumb. most of these "people" can barely function outside of what an ape can do at a zoo, in most cases. they only feel empowered on social media and when a ceo decides to use them for 'gains.'

You're a mentally ill woman wearing a Halloween costume.
No one cares about your tweets.

Attached: Mussolini_Ruins_Things.jpg (742x1100, 185.18K)

>worst post
Holy shit user I think you're right on that.

Jewizzard, jewitter and world of jewcraft are all dead. You are a fucking jew spamer spaming jewish bs, fuck off jew.

I agree, an absolutely abhorrent post

What an absolutely irrelevant thread.

So WoW's going woke?

What the fuck is this post even trying to say. What the fuck is the context of this random tweet. There is no way to infer what is going on here. Is the girl tweeting working at blizzard or the one she’s replying to and why ?

>as a minority
whites are minority and i will now claim minority status

kikes and nogs will never have the same sympathy as whites

Oh Canada my Canada. Based

>worst post
You must be a newfag then

The problem with Sooners is that they actually care about twitter drama, because they are soulless unsocialized husks.

Attached: Keine Transsexuellen - No Transsexuals.png (384x359, 5.03K)

Like 5 twitter screen caps in a row. I have cancer now OP, KYS.

God for them, and
Fuck them
Fight for yours.

Everyone should do the same.

Dey already broken, mon.

damn, that's based

I like her skin

Roastie fits every stereotype in the book lol


Thanks for the info. I parsed it despite the very text being carcinogenic. Most of it is already known to most humans with a functioning brain cell, but every OP has to be a faggot somehow.