Look, I don't like Mitt Romney, but even a broken clock is right twice a day...

Look, I don't like Mitt Romney, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. We need a no-bullshit man like him to make the big decisions. People have to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and work like real men again.

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Mitt = hunter = Ukraine

>No retirement for younger americans
>"Why don't young people want to work?!"

I'm warning you again.. if you keep making pro mit threads I will shit on his fathers campaign sign I have saved and make a webm of it
screenshot this

We could also fix the debt by cutting back our retarded military budget, eliminate all the retarded university grants, cut back regulations so people can start and run businesses, and eliminate loopholes for corporate taxes.

But yeah, let’s make life harder for average people.

On election day, I'm with Davis

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The only way to keep jobless niggers safe and healthy is to cut your retirement. Sorry, whitey!

>no-bullshit man like Romney
>spearheaded selling out American manufacturing with Bain Capital.
>All while making money off of Burisima
Romney can go fuck himself.

OP is a retarded roody poo

maybe we should just cut Federal Retirement and welfare for all members of Congress.
Ohh... that would touch his money and well being?


How about we just let boomers die when they get illnesses caused by their unhealthy lifestyles instead?

Cut back on everything, but don’t make them pay for lazy ass boomers. Those fuckers need to get off their dumbasses and get a job. McDonald’s is always hiring.

At this point I think Mitt just wants to punish all Republican voters because he didn't get elected president + for electing Donald Trump. It's not Republican voters fault that you are a dumbass Mitt, you got outwitted by Obama.

And they wonder why nobody wants to work. Such a mystery.

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Cut retirement bennies to older Americans, they failed to raise enough children to support social security, and should be punished accordingly. It would also serve as warning to all those young people deciding not to have kids.

It's amusing how unemployment was still kind of high, gas prices were also high, the Benghazi incident just happened, Obama gave a shit performance in the first debate, and yet Mittens STILL lost. God what a fucking loser.

Don’t talk about it, BE about it nigger. Any Forums needs this.

Sending billions to Ukraine or making sure your citizens can retire. Hmmm

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Romney reminds people of the worst boss they've ever had. Fuck that RINO moron.

The only issue here is some say our dollar is backed by oil and the fact that we are the world's military bully.

So cutting military budget could inturn weaken the dollar.

Mittens is right
Cancel old people gibs