SWEAT Pledge

Somehow, someway the virtue signaling boomers on this board will find a way to defend picrel

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Boomers don't owe you anything. Stop acting entitled.

Don't negotiate with boomers, you wouldn't with a terrorist.

there has to be a way to make them not be evil

they're not evil, its basically the same thing that happens to every generation. You grow up being told one thing, then when you finally get enough years of experience you realize that what you were told was a lie, so you just focus on your own life and do the best you can. That is the same experience virtually every American has had who was born after World War 2

if that were true the guy in OP pic wouldnt have wrote that

Hard worker Rowe making Any Forums seethe once again.
You virgins need to learn a trade and get a job.
Be more like based and workpilled Mike Rowe (expert multi-tradesmen).

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no one wants to be a slave anymore bro

Boomers practicing the 5 D's ITT

Wow, Mike Rowe is so based. I wish he had been around in the 1920's to tell these good for nothing spoiled brats to get back to work! But in all seriousness every man in this picture has more testosterone in his little toe than Mike has in his whole body and he would not have lasted 5 seconds talking that shit back then.

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>Millionaire TV Jew tells me to get to work.


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Come on, we have to make sure the place looks nice for the people they're bringing here to replace us!


he made a video series

Get a job

I already own a business

Work scares the Any Forums zoomer

I sincerely doubt there is at this point. They've been inhaling leaded gasoline until 1996 on top of a lifetime of the most hardcore jewish propaganda possible. Their brains are pretty much mush at this point. The best ones are simply not completely awful.

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Boomers owed us the same quality of life they inherited. Instead they squandered it and now they blame us for it being gone.

Is that man a tradesman himself? Didn't fucking think so.

Watched him one time he was telling young men to go work for free...

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I demand a job that can afford to buy 3 houses as a high school dropout. I demand all the same opportunities, and the exact same society that boomers had.

Rowe is a television personality whose niche is presenting shitty jobs in the best possible light. He is not a hard worker, just does hard work a few times a year.

They're lead heads for the most part, too thick skulled to see the problems with this society.

Nice cope I've worked for years and I learned a trade and got certified as a car mechanic. I only stopped working because I was being paid like a warehouse worker. The faggot boomer boss got nervous when I asked for $18.

All I see is a face wanting, begging to be punched

kek some retard boomer trying to find success in running a "business" and thinks he found the golden ticket

"i'll just have them take a pledge to make me more money"

Not true, Hard Worker Rowe is a tradesmen FIRST, acting is just his side gig.


>I believe I have won the greatest lottery of all time. I am alive.
>I believe that I am entitled to life.
If you believe you won a lottery and should be grateful for something, how can you say you're entitled to it?

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>stay late

yeah, no.

thing is, if you stay late they take advantage of you and think you are a sucker. Mike Rowe says the trades are begging for jobs when in reality you cant even get an apprenticeship without knowing a guy

>you cant even get an apprenticeship without knowing a guy
I only got my two jobs in the garage because my friends knew the owners. So fucking true.

The worst part about Mike Rowe is despite his career of telling blue collar workers to stay away from college and check their privilege, he went to college, one of his first jobs was as a union opera singer, and he followed his passion of becoming a performer and TV personality. If you watch an older interview where he talks about where he comes from it’s all about mentors, lucky breaks, unions, and following his dreams of working in the arts even in the face of adversity and not knowing anyone in Hollywood.

But for everyone else they need to sit down, shut up, and get back to the steel mills..

How is the sweat pledge not based? As pretentious as it is to have it in document form, I think 3 is the genuinely untrue parts of the pledge. 4 and 7 are sometimes true but not always.

Mike Rowe was an opera singer and got a degree in communications. He is a complete hypocrite.

Lol what a faggot. Completely out of touch with the blue collar industry. I don't even think he worked for two weeks in a row.