Are there any non-incel arguments against race-mixing?

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Its okay if they are legal

Open borders for Israel.

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only ok if the offspring is hot

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I wanna put my peepee in her poopoo place

Beyond the coomer bullshit, mixed-race couples have trouble acclimating to normative society, and their kids end up hating themselves.

Your kids will be emotionally fucked and not feel like they belong anywhere

sheboons have two buttholes


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the smell

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when as a child I looked into the Mirror and into my grandfathers and grandmothrs eyes, I recognized myself. I looked into the eyes of my paternal grandfather and my mother and my motherts mother, and I recognized myself. I looked upon my cousins, and into their eyes, and recognized myself. One of my Cousins looks remarkably similar to my Grandfather.

When I have a child, I want it to have my Eyes and my Hair. They need to be Blue and dirty Blonde. I could not imagine fathering a Child in whom I would not be able to recognize myself and my forefathers.

Aint anything to do with racism tho.

Honestly the only attention I get as a blonde twink is from noodlewhores and pajeetas so I'm honestly thinking abt it

Yeah ugly children that will nig out or be deppressed that their half monkies

>poop color

yes, fuck niggers

It's just gross. Imagine fucking a mexican and getting salsa in your dick.

>kids future is fucked
>higher rate of divorce
>higher risk of birth abnormalities
>higher risk of genetic abnormalities in offspring
>higher risk of child educational difficulties
>higher risk of child criminal issues

source; go fuck yourself and look for it yourself;
fuck niggers, spics, faggots, and kikes

Your kid might see an amerimutt meme posted online and feel bad about himself

This is it, I know for a fact mixed race people I've been friends with Dont feel white or black


gross...looks like she's taking a pink colored shit

That girl is obviously white on both sides.

Your kids will have identity issues. Your kids will be black or "latino". You will have to deal with that bitches family moving in with you (if he or she is "latino" or asian). The list goes on.

Crime is based tho. Literally shows that you aren't an NPC nigger. That is, if you aren't just a pawn for some kingpin.

No, you can fuck them but no children, its unneeded and highly unliked but if you do it dont have kids

Jesus Cletus you don't you know your they'res from your theirs. You go callin' people names and stuff and you can't even grammar rights

Fucking stupid bitch.

Why would fucking children produce more children? Aren't they too young for that?

Black women in America have a shocking number of sexually-transmitted diseases
Half have genital herpes

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Looks like it smells just like hot chocolate

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Hey memeflaggot, you called?

My black big titty neighbor sucks my dick every time her trucker husband is on the road.

two words:

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pontificate on the aromatics

>Outbreeding depression - more health issues
>Kids fit into neither category. Identity crisis. Shoot up a school
>Could be fucking somebody from you own race and avoiding these issues.

Indeed. My parents never raised me to be racially conscious, in fact it was never even mentioned in the home. When I asked, they'd reply - "American." When I went to school, I saw a bunch of blacks, asians and whites. Who's American?

So, I grew up with a sense of inner turmoil until I got a part time job and bought a ancestry test & boom - I learned I was Norweigan & Swabian German. A perfect split, almost 50/50. Just a tiny bit of Dutch. This did wonders for me, I'm lucky I'm a simple case - I feel bad for people who are 12% Chinese, 7% Ghanan, 24% Spanish, 8% this and yaddah yaddah yaddah. I'd feel terrible.

Extremely annoying. I understand that she's a woman, but still. Not worth any effort.

Nope! Jews should be doing it ALL THE TIME

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imagine rapidly punching those things like a speedbag

No. go forth and colonize

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Every rabbi needs a chocolate Shiksa to steal his heart!

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Not really besides the obvious. That if your white and you reproduce with a non white that one less white person in the world. Not sure if that matters to you. It sure doesn't to me. I've fucked a lot of white women and have 2 kids with 2 of them. And I've had my fair share of Latinas too and a very few black and Asian women. Just enjoy your life and constitute to society and fuck some pussy bro.


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There's no diversity like genetic diversity in the Hassidic community!

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be carefull with niggers or you end like of your country.
no joke nogger smell like shit and old sweat

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>Blood and puss starts spraying everywhere
>Exorcist called
>nobody leaves

Nigger women are unattractive to any self respecting white. I rest my case.

Beastiality is a sin.

she'd be perfect if it wasn't for the anime shirt

Be sure to report kikecels who oppose this beautiful message of shalom!

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Niggers genetic lack of empathy and concern for others is literally killing them via modern medicine. Not only do they look each other in the streets but they do it in laboratories built by whites. This is rich lol lmao

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