Russians can't fight

Russians can't fight.
It took the Russians 11 years from 1945 to 1956 to kill and hunt down a few Lithuanian guys hiding in the woods.
This was with 0 support from anyone in the West while the Russians fully controlled the country.
Simply because the Baltics have so many swamps and forests to hide in and many rabid nationalists who will eat their own shows to protect their homeland
I am completely confident that Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia with some Finnish volunteers could force Russia to collapse in conventional warfare with some military equipment aid from the UK, USA, Poland and Sweden. Within 6 months TOPS.

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GCHQ thread

I was phone posting from bed, forgive me.

I wish they paid me to put up with you retards here everyday.

Got stung on the hand by a bee today. Kinda hurts.

mmm....okay.not my problem.

Just imagine how many Bong or Burger Trannys it would take.

anglo could never win a war on european soil
that is where their muh biggest empire larp ego trip comes from
they have to cope by shooting down and bribing savages for not being able to win against actual man, europeans
kinda crazy such flag made this thread
call me when anglo wins on european soil

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>admits he's an intern glownigger

I'm just a bloke on the internet with an opinion, mate. Nothing nefarious.

Get raped by a paki

Why would a scrawny little weak paki rape me?

>I'm just a bloke on the internet with an opinion, mate. Nothing nefarious.

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Romania had armed insurgency against the communist regime until 1965.


I can believe that. Because Romania has a lot of mountains and high ground. The Baltics and Ukraine are basically flat. You can find hills in the UK taller than the highest point in those countries.

I agree

>6 months
Two weeks stretching it

If the Russkies invaded now, yeah it would be literally two weeks until they collapse.

Forest Brothers have such a cool history, from the old ones under the Tsar to the ones behind the Iron Curtain.

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Well said. They then make movies out of running away and call it heroic. kek

please do it now
i want to see how it would turn out

A bunch of mad cunts who decided they would rather die than submit to tyrannical authority. American/Western anons who proclaim to support freedom should support these guys.

I've got books and patches on them, they were bad fucking ass.

white people are good at warfare.. thats why they want us dead and gone.. blacks, hispanics, asians or mongrel russians could never stage a successful insurrection against the nwo

white phosphorus

nobody will play white knghtes with whiteys

>t. Szymon Rusnaski, guest worker in UK