Why does everyone between 20 and 40 have tattoos?

Why does everyone between 20 and 40 have tattoos?

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that statement is simply not true.

worms did it

Lol, I'm the jew now

Monkey see monkey do.
Monkey pee all over you.

dad in gaol and a tattoo gun around the house.

So people know they aren’t homosexual

Children love to draw on themselves

>See jungle nigger post
>call OP jungle nigger

My grandpa had tats from WWII. Told me never to get them. I listened. He is in heaven now. Thanks gramps.

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Does having a tattooed wedding band on my finger makes me a degenerate, anons?
That's the only one I had, and it's been there for a decade now.

Hand tats are bad but it could be worse. It's not very tasteful at best.

Tattoos are disgusting

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too high to count to 25 lol

She’s a stupid blonde wannabe influencer. Aka a roastie

I dont

I don't know but if Any Forums can start a movement to shame the retards that get them I think that would be great.

I have the faces of my dead friends and family on my chest so that I can always remember their faces after civilization collapses and photos are lost. Nobody except Any Forums knows I have these tattoos because they’re covered by a T shirt

Ötzi the iceman had 61 tattoos lol

Because they're all stil trying to be as cool as Gen-X.

including a stick and poke swatstika

it's not true, but it's far more common now.
normalization of new but awful cultural norms. tattoos are often indicative of a person who is innately narcissistic and demands attention (hence why they are having shit drawn on their bodies as if they are a canvas). those same people are the ones most likely to be involved in social media and the like. they oversaturate and create a sense of overexposure that tattoos are commonplace. People then think that tattoos are common place, as their subjective perception has made it seem so. Thus, it's a positive feedback loop where it encourages more and more people to do it.

The people that don't have them simply don't want to draw attention to themselves. They are more likely to be reserved and not be the ones inundating modern culture with their unwarranted sense of self-importance.

1 for each dark-skin or long-nose tribesman he killed

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>Does having a tattooed wedding band on my finger makes me a degenerate, anons?
>That's the only one I had, and it's been there for a decade now.
Obviously not. Rings are hazardous for a lot of jobs.

Because they are part of the dumbest generations ever that are driven my insecurities and a need to fit in.

They usually want to project some sort of image. Every fucking tattoo has some special meaning to it or some stupid childish shit like that. Nobody cares about your ideals from 10-15 years ago.

I don't know how any man could be comfortable and proud of another man's drawing on your body.

Runs out of fingers and toes at 20

I don't know. but on women is a pretty useful red flag as well as coloured hair.